A Trip Down the Aisle With Nara Aziza Smith

nara smith

Are you a label reader?

I never used to read labels when I moved here from Germany, but a couple years ago I started and was shocked at all the things we consume without knowing what’s in them.

Do you write a grocery list?

Only when I’m cooking specific meals that require ingredients I usually wouldn’t buy. But I usually don’t!

What are your kitchen staples?

Milk, eggs, and grass-fed and grass-finished beef.

What’s your favorite grocery store?

Lately it’s been Central Market.

Sweater, Top, Tights, and Scarf Prada. Gloves Amato New York.


Hair & Makeup: Beléne Garza using Bobbi Brown Cosmetics

Fashion Assistant: Calli Martin

Hair & Makeup Assistant: Josh Alexander Thornton

Production Coordinator: Gregory Bordelon

Special Thanks: Central Market

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