A Guide to THE WHEEL OF TIME’s Regions and Locations

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The Wheel of Time‘s world is sprawling and, for some, confusing. But fear not! We have a Wheel of Time map guide just for you, including important locations like Tanchico, the capital of Tarabon, Rhiudean in the depths of the Aiel Waste (or the Three-Fold Land as the Aiel themselves call it), and the Two Rivers, among many others.

Here’s a complete guide to the major regions, cities, and locations in The Wheel of Time series. For an overall interactive map, head to The Wheel of Timelines Map.

Wheel of Timelines Map

The Wheel of Time Guide Map Jump To: Andor // Tar Valon // Cairhien // Tear // Shienar // Tarabon // The Aiel Waste // Illian // Ghealdan


Two rivers running through mountains
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This is where our story (technically) began. The Two Rivers and Emond’s Field, where our five ta’veren are from, is at the easternmost edge of the region of Andor. Andor stretches from the Mountains of Mist to the River Erinin, and its capital city is Caemlyn. It is the largest and most powerful nation West of The Spine of the World, ruled by Queen Morgase, whose daughter Elayne is the heir to the throne. The region is central to the world in The Wheel of Time and is landlocked, with Cairhien to the West and the Almoth Plain to the East beyond the Mountains of Mist.

Andor has had a strong relationship with Tar Valon, the center of power for the Aes Sedai. Every Andoran queen must train in the White Tower before taking the throne. This is why Elayne was sent to train as an Aes Sedai. Queen Morgase’s advisor is Elaida Sedai, one of the most powerful living Aes Sedai.

Tar Valon

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Wheel of Timelines Map

Tar Valon is where the Amyrlin Seat, leader and Mother of the Aes Sedai order, holds power. It is an island in the middle of the river Erinin, bordering both Andor and Cairhien. Clearly, Tar Valon is a location that is incredibly important to the entirety of The Wheel of Time series. This is where two of our Two Rivers folk, Egwene and Nynaeve, learn to channel and use their power to eventually help Rand al’Thor fulfill his destiny as the Dragon Reborn. The White Tower is the Aes Sedai stronghold in Tar Valon. It is said to be one of the most beautiful structures in the Westlands, built by Ogiers (like our friend Loial!). In fact, the entirety of Tar Valon has Ogier influence in its architecture.

Across the Westlands, Tar Valon and the Aes Sedai are known and feared for their power. They are the only women in the world allowed to channel the One Power. They have different sections within them, and many play roles as advisors to rulers across the Westlands. 


Moiraine in a blue robe in The Wheel of Time season two
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Cairhien is another powerful city-state in the Westlands and home to Moiraine. She’s from a noble family, the House Damodred, and is actually the aunt of Elayne, Galad, and Gawyn through her brother. It is a city that is completely divided: the Foregate is the poorer region and the city proper is where the nobility lives. Rand’s story in Cairhien mostly happens with Selene (a.k.a. Lanfear the Forsaken) in the books and TV series. In the novels, Rand finds Selene lost in the woods, whereas in the series, he is actually in a relationship with Selene the innkeeper, outside the Foregate. 

Cairhien is one of the more dangerous places Rand ends up. In the books, he gets drawn into Daes Dae’mar, The Great Game of politics and secrets between the noble houses of Cairhien. In the show, the danger posed to him comes from many, including the noble houses, Selene/Lanfear, and eventually from the Aes Sedai who seek to cage him in the season two finale.


wheel of time guide map of tear region
Wheel of Timelines Map

Tear is a major region in the series and the home of the Stone of Tear. It is one of the richest nations in the land, as a major trade center and port. The Stone of Tear is known to be an impenetrable fortress, where the High Lords of Tear guard the sword Callandor, which can be wielded by the Dragon, and the Dragon alone. The saying goes, “Whoever holds the Stone of Tear is Lord of Tear, city and nation.” 

Callandor is basically The Wheel of Time’s version of Excalibur, one of many callbacks to Arthurian legend. Tear is home to both Min and Siuan Sanche, the Amyrlin Seat, and is a region that relies on its fishing industry and its trade.

The Wheel of Time Guide Map Jump To: Andor // Tar Valon // Cairhien // Tear // Shienar // Tarabon // The Aiel Waste // Illian // Ghealdan


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Shienar is one of the five regions of the north alongside Kandor, Malkier, Saldaea, and Arafel which focused its nation on protecting against the Blight, the rot triggered by the Dark One’s power. The regions fight off waves of Trollocs and all kinds of beasts, protecting their own nations and those south of them.

Shienar is ruled by a lord, who we see in the first season of the TV series. Lord Agelmar (RIP) and his soldiers fight against the Blight. Shienar is also the second home to Lan, our favorite “stone-faced” (this is actually how he is described in the books) warder. Lan is the last king of Malkier, which fell victim to the Blight. Shienar is the last stop of the Two Rivers folk before they make it to the Eye of the World, freeing Ishamael and triggering the major battles between Rand and the Forsaken. 


Tanchico’s bustling waterfront.
Ilze Kitshoff/Prime

Tarabon’s capital is Tanchico, which is where Nynaeve, Mat, Elayne, and Min go in pursuit of the Black Ajah. Tanchico is known to be a treacherous city with its own customs. Tarabon is ruled by a king and a Panarch, and has a government largely comprised by its nobility. The region, composed of mostly port cities, relies primarily on exports.

Tarabon also claims a stake in Almoth Plain, a region that has been disputed between Tarabon and Arad Doman. The largest city in the Almoth Plain is Falme, where Rand declared himself the Dragon, after facing off against Ishamael and the Seanchan.

The Aiel Waste a.k.a. The Three-Fold Land

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Wheel of Timelines Map

The Aiel Waste, or the Three-Fold Land, as the Aiel themselves call it, is the homeland of the Aiel people, beyond the Spine of the World, the longest mountain range in the Westlands. 

We previously learned that Rand was actually born Aiel, on the slopes of Dragonmount, the mountain near Tar Valon, during the Aiel War. Despite his many denials of his heritage, Rand decides to go to the Aiel Waste to learn more about his birth parents’ people. In order to prove himself as the Dragon, or the Car’a’carn, Rand has to go through the trial of Rhiudean, like every other Aiel chief. The Aiel people are critical to Rand’s journey as the Dragon Reborn, and also to the journeys of both Moiraine and Egwene.


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Wheel of Timeline Map

Since the showdown at Falme, the Horn of Valere is the object of much fanfare, and Illian is where the Great Hunt begins. The Hunters are commissioned in the Great Square of Tammaz in Illian, including Faile, a woman hunting for the Horn. Illian is ruled by a King and the Council of Nine and is sworn enemy to Tear. Illian, like the Seanchan and other nations, deals with infiltration by the Forsaken and is of strategic significance to the Dragon as well.


Logain Ablar behind bars in The Wheel of Time
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Ghealdan is a small nation between the Mountains of Mist and Garen’s Wall. Its ruler is titled the Defender of Garen’s Wall. Ghealdan borders Andor to the north, and Amadicia, which is headquarters for the Whitecloaks, and Altara to the south. This region is where the false Dragon Logain declared himself the Dragon, and is where he was arrested and captured by the Aes Sedai. 

Content shared from nerdist.com.

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