The low-level Bard that out-trolled high-level trolls
The Player: Just a man who entered an unfair world and decided to fix it with music (and loopholes and killer giants).
The Legend: No, this is not a fantasy tale where someone uses the magical power of music to make monsters and men put their differences aside. This is much better: a tale where someone uses music to get monstrous men killed.
Upon entering the Sullon Zek server in Everquest, “Fansy The Famous Bard” quickly realized that the whole thing was pretty unfair. Instead of a harmonious land, he found a hellscape where all low-level players that attempted to be good quickly learned that they were no more than prey for higher-level griefers. That was awful, but what could one do outside of stealing the griefers’ accounts to get them to fight one another? Well, Fansy conjured a plan that was even more contrived but also much more fun. He became aware that before reaching level 6, he was immune to higher-level players’ attacks so long as he didn’t directly attack them. He also learned that despite being stronger than everyone, sand giants weren’t faster than Fansy – and Fansy alone. This presumably inspired our bard to anger the sand giants with his cover of the 2001 equivalent of Baby Shark and then run towards the stronger-but-slower griefers.
He killed so many people that the high-level griefers who played on that server because it had no rules bothered the mods into creating some god damn rules against the kind of griefing that didn’t favor the mighty. Nothing to read into this one.