There’s a reason “dinner and a movie” is a popular first date. By biological imperative, you’re stuck with this person you barely know and tasked with changing that, but what do you talk about? Easy: the movie you just watched. Then you can find out if they, for example, find Chris Pratt charming, and you can eliminate them from the running without wasting any more of both your time. You can also eat while they talk. It’s a win-win.
There are certain kinds of movies, however, that don’t so much lend themselves to post-viewing discussion. If it hits you too hard in the feels or thinks, not only is your experience probably a first-date overshare, it’ll be pretty hard to convey, considering you’ve lost the strength to pick your jaw up off the floor. These can be some of the most rewarding cinematic experiences — as long as you don’t have any plans afterward. All we’re saying is, if you’ve got a big hang coming up, maybe avoid these responses to the question posed to r/AskReddit, “What movie had you sitting in silence for 10 minutes after watching?”

The Green Mile

The Prestige

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Children of Men

No Country for Old Men

Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

Promising Young Woman

Dancer in the Dark






Avengers: Infinity War

Dead Poets Society

Saving Private Ryan

Schindler’s List

Requiem For a Dream

Grave of the Fireflies