For very good reasons, every beloved animated feature from your childhood is getting the live-action treatment by modern Hollywood. After all, if kids love fantasy worlds full of sights and sounds the likes of which they could never dream of seeing in their own ordinary lives, wouldn’t they love them even more if they starred celebrities they’d never heard of interacting with CGI creatures that don’t have to be trained? The answer has been a resounding, “Maybe?”
But you know what would be interesting? Adapting beloved live-action movies for animation. A whole world of possibilities opens up when you don’t have to physically build it, which is a real advantage for stories set in dreamlands populated by inhuman wonders, and sometimes it’s the only way to achieve a stylistic match. It’s just really hard to get a comic book movie as colorful as it needs to be, you know?
That’s why user flipping_heck64 asked r/AskReddit, “Forget remaking animated movies into live action — what movie would you want to have an animated makeover?”
Kill Bill