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If there is anyone out there on the fence about getting a 12ft skeleton for Halloween then I’m glad you came here today because (1) I’ll explain how these skellys spark so much joy it warms your heart and (2) this 12ft tall Disco Ball Skelly from Ali Spagnola is this Halloween‘s coolest creation. Actually, she made it last year but improved it this year so it still wins ‘best of’ for 2024 IMHO.
Let me start off by saying that I am a total sucker for the 12ft skeleton. In fact, only having one in my yard wasn’t enough so now I have two at my house. I’ve also got pilgrim and Santa Claus costumes for them which I purchased off Etsy last year. These gigantic skeletons put a smile on everyone’s faces. These are mine, by the way:

Cass Anderson / BroBible
I was worried about getting the Santa Claus costume last year because I’m in a neighborhood full of kids. I also didn’t want to be insensitive to Christianity in any way with a skeleton Santa. So I polled a few of my neighbors and they thought I was being insane for ever thinking people would mind and as it turns out, my house became a local destination for people driving around looking at Christmas decorations and pretty much every time I stepped out to walk my dog at night there were groups of kids or families who pulled over to pose with the 12ft skeleton in a Santa Claus costume. They. Spark. Joy.
Now for the 12ft disco ball skelly from Ali Spagnola whose name I haven’t heard in a hot minute. I think the last time she was on BroBible was 12+ years ago back when the former ‘Power Hour DJ’ was embroiled in a legal battle for the term ‘power hour,’ a legal battle she prevailed over. Well, she’s never stopped crushing it and now has 2.2+ million followers on YouTube where she debuted her 12ft disco ball skelly. This year was all about reassembly:
Did someone say 12ft skeleton ghost?! Here is Day 2 of assembly:
The additions she is making to ‘Steve’ this year are incredible. I wish I had the time, money, and most importantly the skills/imagination to do something like this with my skeletons. Instead, I’m content to throw a costume on the skellys with some sick lighting:
Seeing ‘Steve’ the 12ft tall disco ball skeleton light up at night has me thinking that this skeleton could be seen from outer space. If I was the neighbors, I’d be worried about a potential fire hazard. The shine coming off the disco ball additions are blindingly bright:
On a side note, I hadn’t thought about Ali Spagnola’s Power Hour in 10+ years and that really unlocked a core memory for me. Power hours were woven into the DNA of BroBible’s earliest days and Ali Spagnola was as big of a player in the Power Hour world as anyone. Time flies!