Cancel last minute//chronic lateness
Everyone’s busy ok? We all carved out 5 hours to go to Taylor’s house on a Saturday afternoon, even though we’re missing my nieces 1st birthday party, and you can’t even show up on time? Even worse is canceling entirely. You know your party doesn’t have 2 rogues bro. You know that. So why you gotta cancel last minute when you also know that this session we’re breaking into the Goblin treasury. Not cool.
If you want to win a game with no demonstrable prize or end goal badly enough to cheat, then you need to go home and rethink your life. Maybe your love for your PC has grown to an unhealthy level, maybe you’re trying to impress a busty dwarf who’s caught your fancy, whatever your reasons for turning to the path of evil, it’s not too late to stop. In a game of make believe, the rules are the only thing holding the fantasy together. If you’re going to break them by lying about your d20 role or using a spell when you know you’re out of slots, you might as well just not play.
Not playing by the sacred improv rule of “Yes, And…”
When another player, be they a party member or the GM, makes a story move, just go along with it. Nothing is more tiresome than someone making wet blanket plays. If a character in your party says they’re a mighty warrior and you immediately point out in character how scrawny and weak they are, that’s not fun for anybody. It’s especially frustrating for DMs when they’re trying to build an atmosphere and players are constantly dunking on their dramatic efforts. C’mon guys, you know the real magic was the friends we made along the way, so just go with that.
Learn nothing
A character which is still doing the same dumb sh*t they did at level 10 that they did at level 1 is just poor imagination. No matter how low your characters intelligence is, let them grow, let them learn. Change is at the heart of every story, so don’t deny your PC or your playgroup that catharsis.
For further D&D check out the 5 best D&D shows and what your class reveals about your true self.