Multiple former military officials claim the Pentagon has video of a UFO using beams of light to disable a nuclear warhead in mid-air during a test in California.
This video was allegedly taken on September 15, 1964 and was viewed by Lieutenant Bob Jacobs and Major Florenze Mansmann. The two US Air Force officers were tasked at that time with capturing video of missile test launches in California using telescopic photography and videography equipment.
According to them, the Daily Mail reports, the video showed a saucer-shaped UFO circling a dummy nuclear warhead shortly after it detached from its Atlas missile booster, then disabling it by shooting four beams of light at it.
They also claimed, according to author Scott Hastings, that two days after a highly-restricted screening of the video at the base, two plain-clothed CIA agents confiscated the footage and stated that it was “top secret.”
Their claims regarding the footage have been corroborated by former director of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) Luis Elizondo.
“In February 2023, a US Senate investigator — who has asked to remain anonymous — told me that Elizondo had privately confirmed having been given access to the Big Sur UFO film while with AATIP, and that it showed exactly what Dr. Jacobs has maintained over the years: A UFO actually interfered with an Atlas missile in flight, as it carried a dummy nuclear warhead aloft,” Hastings wrote this week. “The official Air Force video of the encounter captures the moment the unknown object appears to engage the warhead with a luminous beam — which turned on and off four times — as it traveled downrange at several thousand miles-per-hour over the Pacific Ocean.”
Hastings also points to a 1980s-era letter written by Mansmann confirmed that his frame-by-frame analysis of the film showed the UFO to be a “classic disc, the center seemed to be a raised bubble… the entire lower saucer shape was glowing and seemed to be rotating slowly. At the point of beam release… the object turned like an object required to be in a position to fire from a platform… but again this could be my own assumption from being in aerial combat.”
Mansmann also added that “the assumption was, at that time, extraterrestrial.”