Meghan Markle Reportedly ‘Focused’ On Building Her Brand In The US

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A public relations expert has shared her thoughts on the effects of a recent poll that shows the British disapproval of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

The new survey showed that the royal couple occupies the first and second post for the most disliked celebrities in the country, coming in from fourth place when it was first released. However, the PR expert claims Meghan will be unbothered by the poll.

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Meghan Markle’s Popularity Sees A Decline In The UK


According to a recent poll by Ranker, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex took the top spot on the most disliked celebrities of 2024 list, with Meghan named in first place while Harry came in second. It’s not the first time they’ll be on such a list, as they previously topped the list of the most annoying celebrities in 2022.

However, a PR expert, Lynn Carratt from Press Box PR, has claimed she won’t be bothered by it, adding that Meghan would rather seek to grow her popularity in the US, her own country.

“In the latest YouGov survey released at the beginning of May, Meghan received a very low score. It should be noted that 65% of respondents disliked her, and 45% had very negative views of her,” Carratt told The Mirror.

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“Only 4% of Brits expressed very positive feelings toward her while her overall net approval rating dropped to minus 43 to minus 38 at the beginning of April,” she continued.

The PR expert noted, “I believe Meghan will take the survey data with a pinch of salt. I’m not sure how interested she is anymore in getting the British public back on her side.”

“She is American and that is where her family life is now, so she will be more concerned in raising her popularity in her own country and focusing on building her brand American Rivera Orchard, and making it a huge success,” Carratt added.

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What Does The Popularity List Mean For Prince Harry

Harry and Meghan attend Day Two of The Invictus GamesThe Duke and Duchess of Sussex watch the Athletics on Day Two of the Invictus Games

Carratt went on to comment on Harry’s place on the list and what it potentially meant for the Duke of Sussex. She noted that, unlike Meghan, Harry’s situation is quite dicey, especially as he’s from the UK and would love for his children to remain “connected” to their British roots.

Carratt said, “Harry of course will be as it’s his birthplace, and he wants his children to be connected to the British heritage. But we only need to look at their visit to Nigeria last week to know that would have given the couple much confidence because they are celebrated in that country and in their eyes the tour would have been a great success and they do have more visits to other countries lined-up.”

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“They did face some criticism from Royal supporters as their trip had all the hallmarks of an official Royal tour. As Harry and Meghan are no longer working Royals, if their foreign visits continue like this, it is likely to cause some friction with King Charles,” she added.

The couple were named on the top 10 list alongside Oprah Winfrey, Sean “Diddy” Combs, Kim Kardashian, and Amber Heard.

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The Rift Between Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, And The Royal Family ‘Deepens’

Royal Family

Harry’s recent trip to the UK for the 10th anniversary celebration of the Invictus Games revealed that his already fractured relationship with the royal family has seemingly “deepened” after King Charles snubbed him.

Reports of a potential reunion between the estranged father and son circulated in the media before Harry’s trip, but the pair couldn’t see each other because the monarch was “too busy.”

Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams weighed in on the issue, telling The Mirror that “the depth of the rift with the Royal Family has, if anything, deepened after Harry’s recent visit.”

“If they are to thrive and not just survive they must avoid offending the Royal Family, their attacks have cost both them and the royal’s popularity and made them appear extremely destructive and also hypocritical over the issue of privacy,” the royal expert added.

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Prince Harry’s Few Ties To His Old Life ‘Are Being Cut’

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle

Buckingham Palace announced that King Charles had bestowed a new honor upon Prince William, making him the colonel-in-chief of the Army Air Corps, despite Prince Harry’s previous service with the unit in Afghanistan.

The announcement reportedly left Harry “in tears.” However, royal expert Tom Quinn noted that it was a deliberate action to let the duke know he “is no longer welcome” in the country.

He explained, “They [the royal family] have decided the gloves are off and that Harry needs to realize that when you betray the family, you don’t just escape the things you hated doing as a working royal, You also lose the things you loved.”

“Harry cannot fail to get the message,” Quinn added, per the New York Post. “His last few ties to his old life are being cut, and he is being set adrift, permanently.”

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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s Nigeria Trip Allegedly Madee King Charles ‘Furious’

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle

Speaking to The Mirror, Quinn suggested that Harry and Meghan’s 72-hour trip left the King and the Prince of Wales feeling “absolutely furious” as it sent a clear message to the royal family that they are still very much engaged in royal duties.

Quinn noted that the visit encompassed all the elements typical of official royal engagements: “Everything you might expect from an official royal visit was there – the receptions, the visits to schools and charities, to wounded soldiers and the disabled.”

“Meghan and Harry’s speeches and their whole attitude have been designed to give the impression that they are still fully paid-up royals and William and his father King Charles don’t like it one bit,” he added.

The royal expert claimed that the Duke and Duchess have “gone rogue,” and their actions might be perceived as an attempt to “pull a fast one.”

He further alleged that the couple is saying, “We don’t need your permission to be working royals—we will do it on our own terms whenever and wherever we like.”

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