Former CIA ‘Psychic Spy’ Claims He Saw Life On Mars

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Retired U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Joe McMoneagle claims he was a “psychic spy” for the CIA and has seen proof of life on the planet Mars. He says he was recruited for the U.S. government’s Stargate Project, of which documents were declassified late last year.

In November of 2024, declassified CIA documents from 1984 were released and they described someone seeing a dying “elder race” consisting of “very tall, thin” creatures on Mars. The report was part of the Stargate Project conducted by the U.S. Army, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and SRI International (a California contractor).

The project was an investigation into various psychic phenomena such as remote viewing, in which certain people supposedly are gifted with the ability to see a distant or unseen subject using just their minds. Joe McMoneagle claims to have been the CIA’s Remote Viewer No. 1.

Speaking to the American Alchemy podcast last week, McMoneagle refers to the events recorded in CIA documents titled “Mars Exploration May 22, 1984.”

He claims that on that day, government researchers presented to him a white card with coordinates written on it and the words “Mars 1,000,000 BC.”

“I started getting an image of human beings that were trapped in a place where the atmosphere was turning bad,” he claims, adding, “Evidently there’s some kind of calamity here. So I started thinking maybe this is a future target. I didn’t know, but the whole time I thought I was on Earth and it was a new discovery. And so I came out of there and I said it’s obvious that these people are dying for some reason, but they’re human. They’re just really big people. They’re like twice our size. 12-feet tall, but they’re just like us and they’re dying. And these pyramidal places are like hibernation chambers. They’re trying to survive until somebody comes to save them.”

In the declassified CIA documents, the subject used remote viewing to see Mars and saw what they described as a “oblique view of a pyramid or pyramid form” that was “yellowish” or “okra colored.” The remote viewer also reported seeing “very large people” that were “wearing some kind of strange clothes.”

Joe McMoneagle, who reportedly earned the Legion of Merit for his work in the military, makes similar claims in this new interview, including mention of the Martians being “very philosophic” about dying. He also claims to have photos that reveal some of the unusual structures he saw on Mars, and shared his thoughts on some of the images of Mars that have drawn attention in recent years from internet sleuths.

The $20 million Stargate Project was reportedly a response to the Soviet Union conducting research using “psychotronics,” or electromagnetic torture. The project, which ran from 1978 and 1995 was terminated after the CIA determined that “no discernible benefit had been established.”

Reincarnation, on the other hand, is apparently a real thing that exists, according to the CIA.

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