If you want to save hundreds of dollars while also getting rid of useless clutter, consider joining a Buy Nothing group. “Our Buy Nothing Project Mission: We offer people a way to give and receive, share, lend, and express gratitude through a worldwide network of hyper-local gift economies in which the true wealth is the web of connections formed between people who are real-life neighbors,” reads the mission on the site. Not only are you cutting down on waste, you are helping the environment and helping build a good community with your neighbors. Read on to find out more!
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What Is Buy Nothing?
Consider Buy Nothing a great concept where no-longer-needed items could help someone else. “The whole concept of Buy Nothing is about gifting what you no longer need or use and allowing others to reuse or repurpose it,” Jana Dykstra, an administrator of a Buy Nothing Facebook group in the Chicago area, tells Bankrate.com. “We’re not donating it to others, it’s a gift for them to have.”
Save Money
There are many ways to save money through a Buy Nothing group. “In some instances, you may want to borrow something like a pressure washer, but not have the need or desire to purchase your own,” says professional declutterer Julianna. “The Buy Nothing group is a great place to ask community members to borrow them. This saves you money and storage space. As mentioned with borrowing items, you are able to save money by not buying things you may not want or need to own. I have also received clothes for all the members of my family at different times through Buy Nothing.”
It Takes a Village
Taking part in a Buy Nothing group encourages community spirit. “When somebody posted on there that they had their entire maternity collection that they were trying to get rid of, I jumped on it,” Katelyn Schaffer told WXYZ Channel 7. “And It lasted to the point where I didn’t have to buy any maternity clothes. We all want to be a part of a community. The whole “it takes a village” to raise a child, I think it pertains to children but it also pertains to being human and feeling like you have community.”
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Zero Waste
Joining a Buy Nothing group will save you money while also helping the environment. “Reducing plastic waste is like a gateway drug to political action. If you can make positive steps in your own personal life, say, reducing plastic waste within your own circle of influence, you can feel pretty good,” Nancy Hu, the administrator of her local Buy Nothing group, tells Green America. “You start realizing and seeing a bigger picture behind why it is you’re doing what you’re doing. Then you realize there are limitations of personal action, and that leads you to doing more in your community and getting involved. At least, that’s has happened with me, and how I’ve seen it happen to those around me.”
Spend Wisely
Have a sensible plan for all the money you will save from the Buy Nothing group. “If you’ve decided to slow or even stop buying, ask yourself why,” says Billshark. “What will you do with the money you save? What will you do with the extra time you’re not spending shopping for, trying on, and returning items you didn’t want after all? If you have longer-term goals to replace the instant lift you get from buying, the challenge will be easier.