Singer Meghan Trainor is getting ready for her stint on American Idol by showing off a dance routine on social media. Trainor, 30, shared a video of herself wearing black leggings and a long-sleeved shirt, going through her performance routine with backup dancers. “@americanidol here we come! @tpain can’t make it but we gon make you proud! LOVE YOU T-PAIN! 🥰 #beenlikethis DC: @brookieandjessie,” she captioned the post. Here’s what Trainor’s health and wellness regimen looks like.

Trainor lost weight the old fashioned way. “I did it the healthy way, the long way, the one pound a week way. And it’s a proud accomplishment that I never thought I could ever do,” she told PEOPLE. “And now getting through a C-section and getting through that, just checking off goals of, ‘What else can I accomplish?’ It makes you feel unstoppable. And you’re like, ‘There’s nothing I can’t do.'”
Trainor came around to getting pregnant just as she reached her goal weight. “That was really emotionally crippling, trying to go from like, ‘Oh, I’m down to my healthiest I’ve ever been, but I know I’m about to grow big again,'” she told PEOPLE. “And I had to keep reminding myself, ‘It’s healthy for the baby. I got to get big for the baby. And I’ve done it once. I could do it again.'”
Trainor is grateful for the support she gets as a working mother, although she had guilt in the past that her therapist helped her with. “No, you’re not a bad mom, you’re a working mom, and you’re working to support your family and to love your family,” she told Parents. “I think when you have a kid you just realize, ‘Wow, life is beautiful and precious. I want to be the best for my kid.’ I’ve never been more motivated.”
Trainor is honest about how she feels in relation to her postpartum body. “A lot of women are out there posting their stretch marks, and they write, ‘I love my tiger stripes, they gave me my boy.’ I love my baby, but I can’t look at my stretch marks and honestly say, ‘Wow, I love them,’ you know? It feels like I’m telling my truth. I heard that when you have a baby, you get more creative, and my lyrics are changing,” she told Parents.
Trainor is embracing the idea that weight and health look different on people. “Because I’ve seen so many people on TikTok now open up, and I’m like, ‘Here’s what it looks like to be 180 pounds.’ Everyone’s body’s so different,” she told PEOPLE. “You could see a girl who’s really tall in a bikini, showing off her 185 pound body or something. And I’m like, ‘Wow. It’s so interesting how weight sits differently on everyone.’ Numbers are just numbers. Whatever makes you feel the healthiest is where you should live.”