Ryan Reynolds will be back soon in the theaters with Deadpool and Wolverine, along with Hugh Jackman. The trailer of the much-awaited film was dropped recently. The third installment for the Merc in the Mouth franchise marks Deadpool’s official entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But a lot has gone behind the making of the film, including the superstar shelling out money from his pocket as well.
It has been reported that the Green Lantern actor made sure that the film does not disappoint any fan like the earlier flick X-Men Origins: Wolverine did in 2009. So, Reynolds took command of his film financially as well as creatively.
In fact, a Facebook post by Red Break suggests that Ryan Reynolds’s involvement in Deadpool is a personal apology to all the fans who were heartbroken by the quality of the 2009 Wolverine film. Reynolds is a huge fan of Deadpool comics and has read them for over a decade, much before the movie was considered to be made, the major reason why he jumped at the opportunity to play Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
Reynolds, in one of his interviews, talked about playing Deadpool and how his ability to break the fourth wall is a mirror to society. He said, “I think Deadpool’s coming along at the right time because it’s speaking to that generation that has seen all these comic-book films and enjoyed them all; it’s speaking to them as though the guy in that red suit is one of them. It’s like watching a DVD commentary by someone who’s got some pop-culture savvy, is kind of funny and a little obnoxious, and is saying the things that you wouldn’t say.”
Ryan Reynolds has been so cautious with Deadpool and Wolverine that he made sure nothing goes wrong with the film, even if it came with the cost of shelling out bucks from his own pocket. A report suggests that 20th Century Fox decided not to pay the writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick for onset input when they started shooting for the film. It was then that the actor put his foot down and paid them from his own pocket.
Reese, in an interview, confirmed, “We were on set every day. Interestingly, Ryan wanted us there, and we had been working on the project for six years. It was really a core creative team of us, Ryan, and director Tim Miller. Fox, interestingly, wouldn’t pay for us to be on set. Ryan Reynolds paid out of his own money, out of his own pocket.”
Well, Ryan Reynolds has definitely been passionate about this project, and his generosity and respect towards an artist and his work made us fall for him for another time. Deadpool and Wolverine will hit the theaters on July 26.
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