Netflix on Thursday announced the voice cast for The Twits, a new animated feature due to debut on the streamer in 2025. Those set to star include Margo Martindale (Cocaine Bear), Johnny Vegas (Bleak House), Natalie Portman (May December) and Emilia Clarke (Secret Invasion).
The streamer also unveiled a few first look photos from the film, which you can view above and below.
Directed by Phil Johnston (Ralph Breaks the Internet), The Twits centers on Mr. and Mrs. Twit, the meanest, smelliest, nastiest people in the world, who also happen to own and operate the most disgusting, most dangerous, most idiotic amusement park in the world, Twitlandia. But when the Twits rise to power in their town, two brave orphans and a family of magical animals are forced to become as tricky as the Twits in order to save the city.
Johnston wrote the script for The Twits with Meg Favreau. Katie Shanahan and Todd Kunjan Demong are co-directors on the film, produced by Johnston, Maggie Malone and Daisy May West.
Today’s news on The Twits emerged as part of “Next on Netflix: Animation,” the streamer’s preview of animated films and series coming in the next year. In recent years, the service has become a go-to destination for animation, with more than 130M households watching a variety of animation every month.
Martindale is repped by Gersh and Peikoff Mahan Law Office; Vegas by Curtis Brown Group in the UK; Portman by CAA and attorney George Sheanshang; Clarke by CAA, the UK’s Hamilton Hodell, Range Media Partners, and Hansen, Jacobson, Teller; Johnston by CAA, Entertainment 360, and Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz; and Favreau by Gersh and Industry Entertainment.