The woman only came to realize who really was living under her roof after she revealed money she had won 15 years ago that changed her life
A woman shared a post to Reddit seeking advice after some odd behavior from her boyfriend, however, she soon began to see even more troubling signs which she promptly posted to the forum in real time.
The wild post, shared to the AITA [am I the a–hole] community, proved to be absolutely riveting to her fellow Redditors as the woman came to realize who it really was living under her roof.
Read on to see how everything unfolded for yourself!
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AITA for Not Telling My Boyfriend I Won Money 15 Years Ago?
“I don’t know what I did wrong or if what I did is wrong and I need some advice,” the woman cautiously began her post. “I didn’t want to post this on my real account because I’d like to be as anonymous as possible.”
“My boyfriend (35m) and I (35f) were discussing finances as we wanted to be on the same page. My boyfriend moved in with me unexpectedly three months ago as his landlord decided to move into the property with his family,” she explained. “We were discussing finances and the topic of how I own my place came up. I explained I won some money (not a lot but enough to be able to put myself through nursing school, purchase my home and have some savings) back in 2009 and bought my place outright and then rented it out until I moved back into it in late 2018.”
“Obviously I had some luck on my side as this was right in the middle of the recession so I got my place for real cheap,” OP (original poster) explained. “He says I deceived him by giving him the impression that I was a financially well off and that I led him to believe I was more business savvy than I was.”
Then asked/told me that he still wants the car I advised him not to get. He hinted at me getting it for him as a birthday present since it’s his birthday in early March.
This, of course is where her fellow Redditors started waving red flags.
“I don’t know how I did that because I literally work as a nurse make decent money, fully own my home, fully own my car, have decent retirement plans and decent savings. I’m fairly certain that I am financially better off than most people I know,” she continued.
“He says that he can’t trust me anymore and that he was stupid to have listened to my financial advice but the thing is I never gave him any financial advice, except for telling him not to buy a car that was in my opinion unreliable and much too expensive.”
“Did I deceive him by not telling him how I got myself financially stable?” she enquired, before noting, “FYI we have been dating for almost a year and a half.”

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Then Came Gold Digger Revelations from OP in Real Time
First update: “I just had another, very weird conversation with him and I honestly can’t wrap my head around it. Yeah so he is definitely a gold digger. He asked me how much I have in savings and seemed impressed with how much and then said maybe he reacted too aggressively. Then asked/told me that he still wants the car I advised him not to get. He hinted at me getting it for him as a birthday present since it’s his birthday in early March. I am definitely dumping him. Going to wait till my two sisters and my two brother in laws can come over before I break up with him in case he reacts crazy.”
Second update: “He’s jealous and also resentful. He’s ranting about how he would’ve tripled the money if he had won it.”
He’s now telling me that with just a quarter of my money he can show me how to invest on the stock market and ‘make real money’.
Third update: “He’s saying that my money is wasted on me because I don’t ‘make it make money’. Apparently I should’ve been investing my savings in high yielding stocks and other shit. FYI I do get financial advice from a financial advisor I trust but I am a risk averse person so I would never invest it in the manner this idiot is telling me! Sure the chance to get a lot of money is there but so is the chance to lose!”
Fourth update: “He’s now on a crazy rant because I suggested we take a break from this argument because I don’t want to ruin my few days off. My god I can’t believe how he’s behaving. He thinks he’s so clever but I am thoroughly disgusted. Oh it is absolutely over between us.”
Fifth update: “Okay so I understand him better now. So my house/ the property it’s on is what led him to believe I was much richer than I am. He assumed I was loaded. So me telling him I actually got lucky pissed him off. Then when he found out how much in savings and assets I have he perked up and had a change of mind. He’s now telling me that with just a quarter of my money he can show me how to invest on the stock market and ‘make real money’. Oh he is genuinely deluded.”

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He Wants a “Sugar Mama” And Other Observations from Redditors
Redditors were raising red flags and calling the boyfriend everything from a “mooch” to a gold digger before OP was done giving her avalanche of updates.
“He thought you were better off and he could mooch off of you in the long run. It always starts with moving in together because of some issues and the woman’s house is the only logical place,” one prescient Redditor observed. “Next he will lose his job due to ‘circumstances’ and be unable to find another. He must have already begun throwing hints that he’s unhappy at his current job and he’s being treated unfairly.”
“Of course he believes you deceived him because what he thought of as a cushy retirement is looking nor so luxurious as he’ll have only your nurse’s salary to mooch of on,” they concluded.
All of which seemed to deeply impress OP, who replied: “You literally called it!”
Next he will lose his job due to ‘circumstances’ and be unable to find another. He must have already begun throwing hints that he’s unhappy at his current job and he’s being treated unfairly.
In response to another commenter, the woman explained how much she makes: “I earn a bit over 200k and with overtime I earn more. I also know I could buy a fairly decent place now if I wanted to and I base that on my colleagues who purchased their homes in the past few years.”
When someone else asked if she knew how much her boyfriend has in savings, she replied: “He said he had 18k in savings. In regards to him moving in he was definitely given a thirty day notice and he looked for a place, in fact I helped him with it but the rental market was just a bit brutal, so we agreed he could move in and yes he pays rent.”
She then added, “My jaw dropped when he hinted at me getting a Tesla for him. Talking to him the past couple days has literally hurt my brain. He says one thing then the next will be contradictory to the previous thing he said. He was never like this before, I guess moving in made it difficult to hide his crazy!”
Elsewhere, OP explained: “I absolutely recognize that my win put me in an extraordinary position. If I didn’t win it I would’ve had student loans and other debt hanging over my head. I’ve never thought of myself as superior or more worthy than anyone else for being financially stable. I literally grew up very poor and that money changed my life and the lives of my sisters. So I absolutely recognize the privileges and opportunities it gave me and what it continues to give.”
What do you think of it all?

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