Earlier this month award-winning British actress Lacey Turner launched a brand new podcast series, celebrating famous television and film icons, both on and off screen, tracking their stories right back to their beginnings in soap opera.
Titled ‘We Started Here’, the series sees Turner chat to a plethora of talent, each of whom take listeners on a journey of how they got started in soap – the auditions, the interviews, the failed attempts, the highs and the lows, and how it all provided them the essential skills needed to launch their international careers.
Having grown up in front of viewers as the formidable Stacey Slater in Eastenders, Lacey also gives audiences an “exclusive insight” into her story as to how she broke into the industry over two decades ago.
Guest confirmed to appear in the series include Jessie Wallace, Jimmy McGovern, Ricky Whittle, Sarah Phelps, Mandip Gill, Rakhee Thakrar and Davood Ghadami.
In the coming weeks Lacey will host an extra special episode celebrating with 40th anniversary of Eastenders where she will be joined by former Albert Square resident Anita Dobson.

Lacey, tell us about your new podcast?
The ‘We Started Here’ podcast is a celebration of people who started their careers in soap, whether that’s in front of or behind the camera. We’ve got an array of directors, writers, and actors all talking about how they got into their roles, where it led them, and how they went from soap to where they are now.
Why did you want to be a part of it?
I just love hearing other people’s stories. Obviously I’ve spent 20 years in a soap and I’ve been lucky enough to do other things as well, but it’s really nice to hear stories from other people, especially people who aren’t on the same side of the camera as I am. Someone like Sarah Phelps; to be able to listen to her, and how she’s got to where she is, I just find it fascinating.
Can you tell us about some of the guests you have coming up on the podcast?
As I mentioned, I’ve spoken to Sarah Phelps who has had a massive part to play in my career as she wrote a lot of Stacey and Jean’s storylines in the beginning. Jessie Wallace, my wonderful friend. Mandip Gill, Ricky Whittle, Davood Ghadami and Rahkee Thakrar, plus Jimmy McGovern, he was amazing.
Do you have a favourite story you’ve been told on it so far?
There’s so many amazing stories. When you’re in this world, people think they know you, and what’s really lovely in talking to these people, is that you hear stories you’ve never really heard before. You’re used to hearing the questions about their career now, but not necessarily how they started. I mean Jessie (Wallace), I think everyone thinks they know Jessie but actually they don’t at all. It is one of the main reasons I wanted her to come on because she’s got the most incredible story about how she got from a young girl to the actress that she is today. There’s so many that I couldn’t pick.
Was there anything you learnt from it about the soap world that you weren’t already aware of?
Loads. I learnt so much, especially from the writers about all the planning that goes into a scene and the storylines, before I see any of it. How you create a character, and how out of that character, comes a story. I found the whole process really fascinating.
Lacey Turner – ‘We Started Here’
Why do you feel soaps are so integral to audiences and the TV and film industry?
Soaps give you real people in real time. You get to play stories out for a long time because there isn’t necessarily a beginning, middle and an end. They can go on for as long as people want them to go on for. Months or years even. What soaps do really well is depict real life stories and issues, touching upon things that real people are experiencing at that time. It gives people who are sitting in their living rooms an opportunity to relate to what they’re watching and that is really important.
Would you ever be interested in getting involved behind the scenes on a soap?
I’d be the most terrible director (laughs) and the most terrible writer, because I can’t write a story for love nor money (laughs). But saying that, I would love to work in the art department, I’m fascinated by the fact that they can make rubber plugs that look identical to the real thing!
You said in your quote about the show that “nothing compares to working on soap”, what do you mean by that?
I love soaps. So, for me, being in a soap and being in people’s living rooms four nights a week, telling relatable stories, it doesn’t really get any better than that. When you work on a soap you have a whole new family and you sometimes see those people more than you see your own family. At EastEnders in general, all of the cast feel like one big family. As cheesy as it sounds, it is true!
What’s something you’d be really keen for listeners to know about working on soaps?
I get asked a lot, and have been asked for the last twenty years ‘How did you get into acting?’, ‘ How did you get into a soap?’ and ‘Where did you start?’ I get asked by a lot of parents, or young people, or family members for advice. I think what the podcast gives you is an insight into how to get in to this industry, and how to survive in this world. Every guest gives their words of wisdom on the podcast with tips and advice about becoming a director, or a writer, or an actor.
What advice do you have for someone trying to get an acting role on a soap?
My advice for anyone who wants to get into acting in general is to trust your instincts, they are usually always correct. I’ve always been told that I’m an instinctive actor. I’m not sure what that means really (laughs), but I know I wasn’t trained in the traditional way. I didn’t go to acting school. I also think it’s important to be professional. That is a massive part of it, because ultimately you are never bigger than the show you are in.
If you could have played any other character in any soap ever who would it be and why?
I wouldn’t want to play any other character! I’m very happy to be a Slater.
Episodes of ‘We Started Here’ are available to listen to here.
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