The unexplained, SUV-sized drones that caused a stir flying over the areas in the Northeast in November and December have returned. As of Sunday, Jan. 25. 22 new drone sightings have been reported since the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ban was lifted in parts of New Jersey and New York on Jan. 17.
NBC News reports that despite two men being arrested in Boston in December for flying a drone “dangerously close” to Logan International Airport, new drone sightings from Virginia to New Jersey are starting to ramp back up.
Enigma Labs, a research company studying unidentified phenomena, says they have recorded 650 drone-related sightings nationally since November, most of which occurred in the northeastern United States. However, once the FAA ban took effect, Enigma says the number of sightings decreased by 43 percent.
Now, with the FAA ban coming to an end, Enigma Labs says it received 49 new reports in New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Virginia — 14 of which came after the flight bans expired.
“You look at the reports that people are submitting. They’re saying, you know, ‘I’m still seeing them, ban or no ban, and they’re happening,’” Enigma spokesperson Christine Kim told Today on Monday.
Christine Kim also told the New York Post, “We’ve received over 100 reports in the past three weeks that mention drones across the U.S. We created our live active drone map in December to help the public and investigators track drone sightings in the tri-state.
“We’ve been getting more and more reports, including a surge of them last week,” Kim added.
New York Senator Chuck Schumer backed up Enigma’s report, saying on Sunday during a press conference, “We have now seen new drone sightings. We’re going to have to look into it.”
Meanwhile, when NBC News asked the FAA and the FBI about the new drone sightings, they were referred back to the joint statement issued by the FBI, FAA, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense in December.
“Having closely examined the technical data and tips from concerned citizens, we assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones,” that statement claimed. “We have not identified anything anomalous and do not assess the activity to date to present a national security or public safety risk over the civilian airspace in New Jersey or other states in the northeast.”
Of course, that is exactly how one would expect the FBI to respond if they secretly know that all of these drone sightings are “a precursor to an alien invasion” or a cover-up to hide the real truth about extraterrestrial encounters.