Ubiquitous father of eight, Cam Newton, is raising eyebrows after he doubled down on his aversion to marriage during a Funky Fridays interview that’s got the Internet talking.
Source: Gunnar Word / Getty
During the sitdown with Dr. Sarah Fontenot, posted on YouTube on Nov. 29, Dr. Fontenot turned the conversation to Newton’s relationship with his girlfriend, Jasmin Brown. The pair have been together since 2021 and share an eight-month-old daughter.
When asked if he would ever walk down the aisle with her, Newton, who previously said he’s “afraid of marriage” but wants more children, served up a hearty helping of word salad and explained that while he does hope to marry one day, he doesn’t view marriage as his “ultimate goal.”
The former New England Patriots quarterback expressed that he feels society places too much pressure on marriage, making it an unnecessary milestone that can consume people’s lives.
“So the thing about that word of, ‘Well, marry the girl!’–we’re so trauma bond by this thought of get married, have kids,” said Cam. “That’s the way that the propaganda of life that everybody has been putting in our faces to say; okay, get married have kids, whatever. Not overlooking or not identifying that, that’s still a way for the devil to to dwell in.
“We’re so trauma bond by this thought of get married, have kids,” he added. “Everybody has been putting in our faces to say, okay, get married, have kids… or [are] overlooking or not identifying that that’s still a way for the devil to dwell in.”
Dr. Fontenot echoed Newton’s viewpoint, emphasizing that marriage can only thrive when both partners are aligned and committed to supporting each other.
She highlighted that true partnership requires both individuals to attend to each other’s needs, with the foundation of their relationship rooted in mutual understanding and spiritual connection. According to Dr. Fontenot, this level of harmony can only be achieved when both people are “locked in with God.”
Newton Said He Won’t Take Advice From People Who Aren’t In A “Godly” Marriage
Newton expressed frustration with critics who have judged him for not marrying Brown and allegedly cheating on her while having seven other children with multiple women.
However, he made it clear that he doesn’t let online negativity get to him. The Carolina Panthers alum shared that he was skeptical of taking relationship advice from those who haven’t shown they’ve had success in their own marriages, especially when it comes to what he views as a “godly” union. For Newton, the opinions of internet bullies simply go in one ear and out the other.
“Marriage to me is a Godly thing,” said Newton on Funky Friday. “People are throwing marriage in front of people in a godly way, but they aren’t godly. So, in essence, you’re speaking of a godly thing and you’re ungodly,” he added, noting how he wouldn’t take criticism from a person that he “wouldn’t take advice from.”

Source: Andrew Toth / Getty
Newton shared with Fontenot that he and Brown are “growing together” and that the way they love and support each other works for their relationship. He also praised her for challenging him when needed and for being a great listener, especially when they don’t always see eye to eye.
“She does an unbelievable job by not judging the branch of the tree but getting to the root of the tree because everything stems from something,” Newton revealed, noting how he could be himself around her no matter what.
In another portion of the convo, Dr. Fontenot and Cam discussed the controversial topic of men referring to themselves as “high value,” a term popularized by the late Kevin Samuels.
Hit the flip for reactions.
Here’s What Social Media Users Said About Cam’s Comments
Naturally, social media users lit up on YouTube and Twitter after the Funky Fridays episode dropped.
Some expressed that they felt bad for Brown as she may never get to walk down the aisle due to the former athlete’s stubborn views on marriage.
“Cam is a narcissist and he will never marry Jasmine PERIODT!!!!” wrote one viewer on Youtube.
Another person commented:
“You can’t be in a committed relationship and be selfish. If you say you love a woman or man you should be willing to get married period. If you want to smash everything moving just be single, why get in a relationship knowing you’re going to embarrass this person??”
Some users suggested that Newton invited Dr. Fontenot onto the show solely to boost his own ego, speculating that he was still hurt by his August interview with Dr. Cheyenne Bryant, who criticized him for “selfishly” creating “broken families.”
One user penned:
“Dr. Sarah is trying to keep the peace and co-sign on Cam’s ‘feelings of ridiculousness’ no matter how ridiculous they are….”
Another viewer chimed in and brought Dr. Cheyenne Bryant, who went viral for schooling Cam in a previous podcast episode.
“Dr. Bryant PLEEEEEASE come back and sit with this man again so y’all can resolve these issues because this mf will not let that sh*t go! ️Ten episodes later and he’s still subliminally expressing frustration from the ‘broken homes’ conversation.”
What do you think? Is Cam Newton still bruised from his chat with Dr. Bryant? Watch the full interview below.