Lakey Peterson, an acclaimed surfer with an adventurous spirit, recently took to Instagram to share some serene outdoor moments with her husband, featuring scenes of hiking, lake swimming, and soaking up the sun. Captioned simply, “Loml,” Peterson’s post captures her love for nature and an active lifestyle that extends beyond the surfboard.
Peterson makes sure to eat healthy. She shared her diet with The Inertia. “I think it’s pretty simple: eat good quality food — organic, locally sourced — and have it well-balanced on your plate. Good fats, good proteins, good carbs, and that’s it. The night before I generally have salmon, brussels sprouts, and a sweet potato. The morning of [competition] I’ll usually do two eggs on a piece of gluten-free toast with some avocado.”
Peterson tells The Inertia that she eats what works for her, instead of taking advice from anyone else. “I think the biggest thing for me that I try and follow is knowing that my body is different to everyone else’s. I’ve heard so many people tell me I should be ketogenic or paleo or vegan — there are so many different diets, but for me it’s just been figuring out what works for my body type. Maybe it’s vegan, maybe it’s paleo, whatever it is, I’m just listening to my body and what it wants.”
Peterson does a lot of traveling. She shared her secrets for staying healthy on the road with POPSugar. Peterson does a lot of stretching, even when she’s on a plane. “I get up and walk around a lot when I am on planes. I like to stretch a little bit as well. Just simple things — touch my toes, do some rotation twists. Compression breaths are really good to get your rib cage reset after sitting for a little while. If you are on a long flight, get up and walk around every few hours if you can.”

Peterson likes to use a foam roller to help her recover. She tells POPSugar that she makes sure to pack one when she travels. “I travel with a foam roller, so at the airport, I always roll out and stretch before I jump on the flight. Its pretty funny actually; people look at me like I am crazy. Stretch and foam roll. Always do a workout when you get off of a flight! It helps with jet lag, and feels good to sweat.”
One of Peterson’s secrets to eating healthy? Bringing snacks with her. “Bring some of your own snacks on flights,” she tells POPSugar. “I love bringing avocados and trail mix. I try to make my own snacks, just because that way I know exactly what is in everything and what I am putting in my body. Exercise isn’t everything . . . eating well is equally if not more important. Be aware of what you are putting in your body!”