John Legend. Photo Credit: Glenn Francis
Our Happy Company, a creator- and artist-focused tech startup co-founded by John Legend, has announced the completion of a $7.5 million seed round.
Singapore-headquartered Our Happy Company, which John Legend and “veteran entrepreneurs from the streaming and entertainment industries” established back in 2018, just recently unveiled the multimillion-dollar raise. Said “veteran entrepreneurs” include Twitch founder Kevin Lin and KKBOX founder Chris Lin, who also serves as the startup’s CEO.
Regarding the offerings of Our Happy Company, the business’s “flagship product” is a mobile non-fungible token platform called OurSong. Said platform, higher-ups explained, provides “an easy-to-use mobile experience that makes NFT ownership, and the social and digital benefits that come with it, as simple as a few clicks on a phone.”
Additionally, OurSong enables creators to “attach content and privileges to each NFT, including access to music, chatrooms, augmented reality experiences, and more,” execs communicated, while Our Happy Company’s website elaborates that OurSong is “an app for your ideas to make money and friends.”
Bearing in mind these operational specifics for OurSong and Our Happy Company itself, the latter entity intends to use today’s capital influx to pursue “further global expansion” as well as “the rollout of new features for creators to add experiences to their NFT projects that blend the physical and digital worlds.”
Addressing the raise – which was led by Infinity Ventures Crypto and Animoca Brands, “a leader in digital entertainment, blockchain, and gamification” – Our Happy Company CEO Chris Lin emphasized the perceived potential associated with making NFTs more widely accessible.
“We’re focused on democratizing NFTs for the masses. This round of financing validates our approach and the success we’ve had in such a short time,” said the more than two-decade KKCompany veteran Lin.
“Since OurSong launched earlier this year, we’ve seen a community quickly grow on the platform as creators harness this technology to engage with their fans in new and unique ways. Together with our partners and investors, we’ll be able to supercharge this growth,” he concluded.
Our Happy Company’s raise represents the latest in a series of recent NFT rounds and partnerships in the music space.
Three days back, for instance, non-fungible token platform Afterparty raised $4 million and introduced NFT ticketing for artists. And about a week ago, LimeWire (now a digital collectibles marketplace) proclaimed when announcing $10.4 million in LMWR token sales that it intends to “open up the NFT market to the mainstream.”
Meanwhile, April also saw Warner Music and POAP ink a partnership deal “to mint shared memories as NFTs,” whereas Fuel closed out March with a €1.5 million raise and outlined its ambitious goal of “building the ‘Shopify for NFTs.’” Fuel’s CTO likewise said, “We expect 2022 to be the year of music NFTs.”