Born in Nevada in 1981, Jenny Lee Lindberg is a founding member of LA-based indie-rock quartet Warpaint. As a bass player and vocalist, she has recorded three albums with the band including 2014’s Warpaint, which made the top 10 in the UK charts. In 2015, Lindberg released her first solo album, Right On!, under the name Jennylee, with a follow-up single last October. Warpaint’s fourth album, Radiant Like This, is out on Friday,6 May and the band kick off a six-date UK tour at the O2 Academy Bristol on 11 May.
1. Film
The Batman (Dir Matt Reeves, 2022)
I hadn’t been to the movies in a very long time, so I went and saw The Batman by myself in a really comfy theatre. I love DC and Marvel movies a lot, always have, and watching this was a very childlike experience. My eyes were popping out of my head. It feels a lot more realistic than the other Batman films and not very superhero-y. Robert Pattinson is great as Batman and Zoë Kravitz is wonderful as Catwoman. They’ve got great chemistry.
2. TV
Life Below Zero (National Geographic)

This show brings me a lot of joy and peace. It’s about people who live off-grid in Alaska. They hunt their own food, cut wood to heat their homes and fetch their own water. They’re just working non-stop, harder than most people work in their lives. I would never be able to do it – I’ve never even gone camping alone before – but it’s a super-inspiring show and it relieves my anxiety somehow. I admire every single person on the show and how self-sufficient they are. They’re total badass.

3. Book
Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss
My friend gave me this book not long ago and I’m reading it now. It was written in the 1980s by a psychiatrist who is also a hypnotherapist. In the book, he’s trying to help a patient who has terrible dreams and crazy anxiety. Within the hypnotherapy sessions, she starts revealing past lives in lots of detail. It’s really intriguing. I’m a spiritual person but I also believe in science. I was raised Christian but I lost a bit of faith that there is anything beyond this life. This book has reignited some of that faith.
4. App

I’ve been playing this game for a while. It’s a slightly different version of classic solitaire – there are seven rows and all the cards are face-up at the start – and it’s a little more fun. I play it a lot when we’re travelling. It’s really calming and cathartic and I’m using my brain a bit – there are strategies involved. It’s handy when I’m trying to take a break from social media. If I have a little tic and want to pick up my phone, I play this instead.
5. Place

I moved to Utah in December 2019 and I’m in love with it. I live in Salt Lake City with my boyfriend, who’s from here. It’s the most beautiful place I’ve lived in. The pace is really calm but there’s still a lot of culture. There are tons of hikes and I’ve started snowboarding – it’s got some of the best snow on Earth. I feel like I’m more at one with nature than I have been in a long time. Salt Lake City is surprisingly progressive – there’s a big gay community here – and there are lots of good restaurants. I love it.
6. Food
Homemade pizza using Ooni Karu 12

My boyfriend and I got a home pizza oven during the pandemic – an Ooni Karu 12 multifuel oven – and we’ve been making our own pizzas in the back yard. It’s crazy how much better the pizza tastes at home, even though we don’t really know what we’re doing. It’s done in three minutes or less and you put anything you want on it – my favourite has broccoli, olives, red onions, jalapeño, cheese and artichoke hearts. I’m not quite sure why the taste is so different but it’s 10,000 times better than parlour pizza.