Photo Credit: Alexander Shatov
Meta says it is opening its catalog of ‘free, high-quality songs’ to Reels advertisers on Instagram.
Meta saw 30% more engagement with its Reels across both Facebook and Instagram in Q2 2022. Now the platform is hoping to give advertisers a better hook to drive Reels engagement with a catalog of royalty-free, high-quality audio. “Businesses can select a song from our library or allow the app to automatically choose the best music for an ad based on its content,” Meta says.
Meta is also launching a test of post-loop ads that include 4 to 10-second skippable and standalone video ads that play after a Reel has ended. Once the ad finishes playing, the original Reel resumes and loops again. Meta is also testing image carousel ads for Reels, which are horizontally scrollable ads that include anywhere from two to 10 images–shown at the bottom of Facebook Reels content.
The music available to Reels advertisers will come from the Meta Sound Collection – its royalty-free audio collection. Want to take advantage of the new feature? Here’s how to add royalty-free music to Facebook and Instagram Reels.
You can add music to Instagram ads in Ad manager using the Creative Editor. Here’s a quick peek at the steps you’ll need to follow:
- Create an Instagram ad as usual until you reach the creative section.
- In the ad creative section, click the ‘Add Music‘ checkbox.
- Click ‘Select Music‘ to open the Creative Editor and choose from ‘Automatically Apply Music‘ or ‘Manually Apply Music.’
- Save.
You can complete your ad with details and view how it will look and sound before you finalize. Once your details are filled in, you can then submit them for review. If the ad is approved, it will then appear to Instagram for the demographics chosen for display. If you choose to automatically play music–you’ll hear a selection of songs that will appear alongside your ad to approve or deny.