JUN of SEVENTEEN on ‘Quirky’ New Track ‘PSYCHO’: Fan Chant

JUN of SEVENTEEN on 'Quirky' New Track 'PSYCHO': Fan Chant

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In a band of 13 members, making time to explore individual artistic sensibilities is a must. JUN of SEVENTEEN, as part of the group’s Performance Team, is known for his stage presence, razor-sharp sensibilities as a dancer, and his acting abilities (he’s appeared in a multitude of television shows in China, from which he originally hails).

Since the group’s debut in 2015, JUN has carved out time for individual projects, most often in the form of digital singles. Despite the fact that he’s been releasing solo music since 2018, it felt like something shifted with last year’s release, “LIMBO,” a song brimming with confidence and artistic maturity. Now, JUN has shared “PSYCHO,” a bolder, darker, and more playful new digital single.

“SEVENTEEN projects and solo projects have charms and perks of their own,” JUN tells Consequence.

This week, JUN reflects on the release and looks ahead to upcoming projects for SEVENTEEN, including “SEVENTEEN: FOLLOW TO SEOUL,” set to take place this coming weekend at Gocheok Sky Dome. Watch the music video for “PSYCHO” below and read on for the full interview.

Congrats on your latest solo release! What prompted you to explore the specific themes you chose here in “PSYCHO?”

Rather than there being a specific moment, it stemmed from the belief that in a world filled with so many people, each person possesses a character and beauty of their own. I wanted to remind myself — and the listeners — of that, in hopes that we are all able to love ourselves a little more.

How do you feel the preparation process for this release was different from “LIMBO?”

For “LIMBO,” the focus was on perfecting the details to fully deliver the beauty of the track and the choreography. “PSYCHO,” on the other hand, has a lot of unfamiliar, quirky facial expressions and moves incorporated into the performance. The unfamiliarity of it might feel slightly off-putting at first to some, but I wanted to turn it around and have it come across as a charm of my own.

I feel like where “LIMBO” utilized a lighter aesthetic, “PSYCHO” is very dark colored. Was that a conscious decision?

I think I would have to say yes, in a sense! It wasn’t the starting point of the plans for the two singles, but it was a conscious decision to use color schemes that create the right aesthetics for each track.

How is preparing for solo tracks different from working on songs as a team, with SEVENTEEN?

One of the key objectives in working as a part of a team is that you have to find the role that you’re supposed to play within the bigger picture. Finding the right balance and harmony among the members is crucial in everything coming together.

Preparing for a solo track, on the other hand, you become the sole deciding factor in how the song comes together. It’s really different as a process, but both SEVENTEEN projects and solo projects have charms and perks of their own.

I know you guys just had a fan meet in China. How was it being back in China with the members?

I was extremely happy to be able to spend time with our CARATs back home! I loved being able to return the love, and I’m looking forward to more opportunities that will allow us to meet CARATs all over the world.

“SEVENTEEN: FOLLOW TO SEOUL” is coming up! What are you most looking forward to with that concert?

Awe-inspiring performances, teamwork stronger than ever, and burning passion hotter than the sun! SEVENTEEN shows are a bundle of joy, brought together by 13 very different members. Concerts are where we become our best selves both as individuals and as a group, so I’m really excited to bring all that back to the stage after our world tour last year.

What’s something you feel like you’ve learned from your bandmates lately?

I think I always learn a lot from being in the team. We often take the time to get good food, or travel among the members. Whenever we have gatherings as a team, it’s so much fun and leads us to look back to great memories together as well. It’s important to take time off with your loved ones; loosen up once in a while. This way, you can also focus more on work when you need to. I think it’s one of the key takeaways from being a part of SEVENTEEN.

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