James Reid explains Jeffrey Oh’s termination from Careless Music

James Reid explains Jeffrey Oh’s termination from Careless Music

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Reid’s legal counsel recommended that the label block Oh from all its operations, citing his ‘questionable business practices’ and ‘lack of permits’

MANILA, Philippines – Careless Music founder James Reid revealed the reason behind his former business partner Jeffrey Oh’s termination from the record label in interviews with Ogie Diaz and the media on Tuesday, September 17.

In an interview with Ogie Diaz posted on the latter’s YouTube channel, Reid alleged that Oh owed him over P100 million, and that there were several contracts and business deals he signed and made without Reid’s knowledge. 

Rodel de Guzman, Reid’s legal counsel who was present in the interview, said that they entered an agreement with Oh where he would document all the missing transactions made under Careless Music.

De Guzman said that while Oh promised to fulfill his end of the agreement, he kept postponing the submission of the missing documents, until they later found out that Oh had already gone to Los Angeles. Oh allegedly had his friend tell Careless Music that he no longer wished to speak to them.

Meanwhile, Reid and De Guzman told ABS-CBN News that they terminated Oh from the label following his arrest and detention by the Bureau of Immigration (BI).

Oh, a Korean-American, was arrested in July 2023 for allegedly working without the necessary permits and visas. He was later released on bail in August 2023, but the BI said that he was still facing deportation charges. 

De Guzman said he performed an audit on Careless Music, and recommended that the label bar Oh from all its operations “because of questionable business practices [and] a lack of permits.” He cited several instances where Oh would make undocumented transactions that Reid was not aware of.

Oh also allegedly tried to run Careless Music “on his own.” 

Reid and De Guzman said they met with Oh in July to formalize the Korean-American’s termination from Careless Music. Reid said in the ABS-CBN News report that prior to this, he had tried to speak to Oh several times, but the latter “had a way of evading and delaying everything,” especially in matters such as contracts and agreements. 

The “Randomantic” singer also clarified in the interview that Oh’s actual role in Careless Music fell under business development, where he would work as a consultant and not as Careless Music’s CEO. The businessman had reportedly presented himself as such in past transactions, signing documents referring to himself as the CEO. 

Reid also said that Oh was also never part of the corporation. Careless Music is a one-man corporation under Reid’s name. 

“If Jeff comes to us, then I would rather that we sit down so that we can really fix things once and for all. From a legal point of view, we need to complete the due process. And there are a lot of things that we don’t know. We are just finding out as we audit right now,” De Guzman told ABS-CBN News. 

Oh,has yet to speak up on the issue. 

This comes days after the label announced that actress Liza Soberano was no longer under their management, effective July 29. 

“It has been a pleasure to have represented her and we wish her the best in all her endeavors,” Careless Music said in its statement. – Rappler.com

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