Darko’s Bands You Need To Hear

Darko's Bands You Need To Hear

Darko have just dropped their new EP ‘Greyscale’ via Lockjaw Records. Here, they guide us through some of the bands that they are most excited about right now.

Anaal Nathrakh

Tom [West, vocals]: “Honestly the best kept secret in UK metal for the last 20 years. I often wonder why they aren’t revered alongside the biggest metal bands in the world, and then I listen to it and remember that it’s absolutely disgusting – only a complete lunatic would enjoy it… and me, apparently.” 

FFO: In Flames, Strapping Young Lad


Tom: “This Munich band burst onto the skate punk scene a few years ago and have quickly been impressing everyone with a finely tuned, brilliantly executed fresh take on a classic sound. Oli’s vocals are incredible too – her performance really drives these big choruses home.” 

FFO: Rise Against, Lagwagon

Random Hand

Tom: “These lads never disappoint but their most recent album was a delight – their sound has matured into a punk/hardcore/ska treat that will resonate with fans from all corners of the scene. They aren’t afraid to experiment but they never lose sight of their big chonky hooks.” 

FFO: Capdown, Reuben


Tom: “Pummelling emotional hardcore that simultaneously sounds like something from the early 2000s, but not trite or insincere like a lot of identikit ‘screamo’ bands. The latest album is particularly urgent, it’ll make the hair on your arms stand up for sure.” 

FFO: Thursday, Converge


Tom: “One of the UK’s best heavy bands, combining poignant lyrics with ferocious black metal blastbeats and soothing post-rock. It’s the well-positioned punk rock gallops that really make them stand out, though. I had a little cry last time I saw them.” 

FFO: Deafheaven, MØL


Rob [Piper, guitar]: “The latest album from Derry-based Northern Irish trio Cherym ’Take It Or Leave it’. This is a great pop rock record, really bouncy and a great selection of songs, great hooks on the vocals and guitars. Released on Alcopop records. It really encapsulates a nostalgia vibe from 90s influences whilst sounding fresh and new. Super thrilled to see them get more and more recognition.” 

FFO: Pixies

Weakened Friends

Rob: “From Portland, Maine, they released their first full length in 2018 but I only just found this band on a playlist or recommended list recently and it’s great. On reflection, not sure how I missed them as Big Scary Monsters released the last full length but hey ho. At the end of 2023 they released the single ‘Awkward’ which is fantastic and I immediately went and listened to the previous albums Common Blah and Quitter, strong Weezer vibes but definitely with their own thing going on.” 

FFO: Weezer, Teagan and Sara

Darko’s ‘Greyscale’ EP is out now.

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