Deep Jaws — Deep Throat Meets Jaws
Despite being a terrible film in every possible sense, 1976’s Deep Jaws is also the greatest Jaws ripoff movie, precisely because it’s ABOUT Jaws ripoff movies. The movie is about Uranus Studios, a once-successful movie studio reduced to making low-budget films that decides to plagiarize Jaws AND Deep Throat to survive. Somehow, they end up getting a million dollars from Henry Kissinger to produce a “simulated version of the Russian-American outer space hook-up,” whatever that means. Instead, they decide to make a cheap mermaid porno possibly involving a homosexual shark.
Sound intriguing? Unfortunately, this is about all we can show you from this movie:
Gourmet Video Collection
Basically, this is a biting satire of the shamelessly unoriginal studios that turned “ripping off Jaws” into a whole genre of movies, which is impressive considering it was made before almost all of those movies. Truly, an essential part of movie history. (But seriously, don’t watch it, it sucks.)
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Top image: Severin Films, Gourmet Video Collection