Spotify is introducing a new kind of mix playlist called Niche Mixes. Here’s how they work.
Spotify already has what it calls personalized mood mixes, but it also features decades and genre mixes for listeners. Now Spotify says it is expanding its mix playlist family with Niche Mixes, a set of personalized playlists that combine all the others. Think of it like the One Ring—one playlist to rule them all.
Ready to try it out? Here’s how to access niche mixes on your Spotify account.
- Head to the Made For You Hub on the Search tab.
- Spotify will show you 5-10 mixes.
- Search for something you want and put the word ‘mix’ at the end.
Spotify suggests some mixes like ‘Feel Good Morning Mix,’ or ”80s Running Mix,’ and ‘Night Time Mix.’
While it’s an interesting feature intended to give users more granular access to music—it’s a robust data-gathering tool for Spotify. Let’s say you create an ’80s Running Mix and start liking songs on that mix. Spotify knows you love to listen to ’80s music while you’re running. It may also suggest those songs to others who want the same for their mixes. The behind-the-scenes data training possibilities for this feature are limitless, so it’s no surprise to see Spotify implementing it.
Spotify not only wants to serve you music, it wants to know why you’re listening to that music. Are you driving? Running Exercising? Cooking? Having a romantic date night? All of those cues provide data about you that Spotify can sell to advertisers and understand more about your life.
If the algorithm knows you always run in the morning at 6 am while listening to your favorite hip-hop playlist, Spotify can better serve ads that you’re likely to interact with. Providing context for playlists beyond just ideas that Spotify generates is highly personable and valuable in the world of data.