poptropicaslutz! and Magnolia Park continue to take the future of pop-punk into their own hands with a chaotic new track.
poptropicaslutz! and Magnolia Park have joined forces for a new track, and furthers shows off what the future of pop-punk looks and feels like.
It’s called ‘catastrophe’ and is a tight and chaotic piece of bubbling riffs and hard storytelling that feels as modern as it does classic.
It’s unique, ambitious and seriously catchy and shows off the best of both bands wonderfully.
Here it is:
The pair are going to be touring next year with Arrows In Action for Magnolia Park’s first ever headline tour.
That looks like this:
Magnolia Park also just released their debut album ‘Baku’s Revenge’.
Here’s ‘Radio Reject’:
They spoke to us all about in a special edition of Rock Sound, which you can pick up WORLDWIDE from right HERE