Truth: We Should Be Able To Write Off Coffee On Our Taxes – | Articles

Laptop, notebook, and cup of coffee

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But, thanks to tax lawyers in my family, and extensive (mostly unrequested) conversations regarding taxes with them, I do have a fairly solid layman’s grasp on the idea of the business write-off. The parameters, as I understand them, are that whatever is to be written off is to be used for the sole purpose of work and/or business. This applies to everything from computer purchases to home office rent. Even though I sincerely believe that I need a high-powered gaming PC in order to render Google Docs at their highest efficiency.

From here, I have a proposal: I should be able to write off the purchase of every single cup of coffee I drink during the year. In my eyes, coffee meets every requirement for a business write-off. It directly affects my work and the quality thereof, as anyone who’s ever been on a morning conference call with me can attest. It’s used exclusively during work hours, for most people. No one’s clocking out at 6 pm and settling onto their couch with a cold brew so that the room is vibrating while they watch Law & Order reruns.

Equally important as the pen and laptop.

Coffee is an essential part of my business, because it allows my brain to effectively function during the hours society has designated as “business hours,” which is probably a remnant of a time before electric lighting. Without a coffee I doubt I could read this article, much less write it, before 10 am.

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