15 Illegal Pets The Government Should Shut Up And Let Me Own

15 Illegal Pets The Government Should Shut Up And Let Me Own



Look, it can’t be THAT hard to get hold of some eucalyptus. If reptile freaks can buy boxes of live crickets, I’m sure I could get some dumb branches off Alibaba or whatever. Honestly, I’ll just get a big pot and grow a couple shoots of my own, and then they’d also have a place to hang out. When I go to work I’ll throw on Crocodile Dundee for them and they can chill out and munch away. Well, I work from home but lucky for my new koala, I watch Crocodile Dundee every day anyways!

Do you have a favorite animal that you should definitely be allowed to own and pet except that the government is infringing on your freedoms? Let us know in the comments below!

Top Image: Pixabay/Pexels

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