Video Shows Humanoid Robot Quickly Get Up From The Ground

Rows of Standing Futuristic Industrial Humanoid Robots


In case #19,328 of scientists asking if they can do something versus should they do something, new video shows a bipedal humanoid robot quickly rising up to a standing position after being placed on or knocked to the ground. The humanoid robot is able to achieve this using a system scientists came up with called “Humanoid Standing-up Control” or “HoST.” Clever.

HoST was developed by a research team from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Zhejiang University. The reason they created this system, according to their report on GitHub, is because “standing-up control is crucial for humanoid robots.”

The scientists explain that HoST is “a reinforcement learning framework that learns standing-up control from scratch, enabling robust sim-to-real transfer across diverse postures. HoST effectively learns posture-adaptive motions by leveraging a multi-critic architecture and curriculum-based training on diverse simulated terrains.”

They aren’t kidding. The video below shows the humanoid robot successfully getting to its feet in lightning-fast fashion in numerous real-world environments. From lying down and with its legs dangling over an object to leaning against a object and sitting on a slope, the robot appeared to have little trouble getting to its feet. It was even able to stand up while carrying a heavy object and while pushed and kicked by a human being.

“After simulation-based training, the learned control policies are directly deployed on the Unitree G1 humanoid robot. Our experimental results demonstrate that the controllers achieve smooth, stable, and robust standing-up motions across a wide range of laboratory and outdoor environments,” the scientists wrote.

So now humanoid robots have learned how to stand up quickly after being knocked down in addition to having been given access to autonomous real-time learning AI, a secret language that humans can’t understand, superhuman vision, synthetic bodies that can self-heal, knowledge on how to use deadly weapons, the ability to fly, throw punches, run and do parkour, drive cars, fool computer systems into thinking they are human, the ability to self-replicate and build larger versions of themselves, the skills to invent computer chips humans can’t understand, and the knowledge on how to successfully deceive and manipulate humans.

Perhaps next time, the scientists will ask themselves, “should we?” Nah. That won’t happen until it’s too late.

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