Streaming star Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel has hit back at Hasan ‘HasanAbi’ Piker for calling him a clout chaser.
Over the past few years, xQc and Hasan have got into their fair share of drama with one another. The political commentator had even accused the Twitch and KICK streamer of turning on him “for easy clicks” back in September.
After Hasan copped a 24-hour ban from Twitch on March 3, xQc weighed in, calling the suspension “just comical” and compared it to other bans that had lasted longer.
Hasan hit back at the Canaidan, calling him ‘xQsnake’ and claiming he treats every other streamer in his orbit “like s*it.” That got onto xQc’s radar.
xQc hits back at Hasan
“You know when he calls me out for clout chasing or doing things for clout all the time? He always says ‘he’s doing this for the numbers.’ It’s insane,” xQc said.
“He is the biggest projecting person I have ever seen in my entire life. Most people I have collabed with have less than 1000 viewers. Brother, I used to host lobbies of Among Us with nobodies.
“Most people I collab with are legitimately small or nobody streamers. Name me one streamer that Hasan collabs with that isn’t a big streamer or the biggest flavor of the month like Jason. Name me one! Show me one!”
Timestamp of 5:25
The Canadian added that he was “mad” about it because “when I have a problem with somebody, I call them out directly.”
He continued: “It’s the intended person that’s targeted. Except, this one, again for the millionth time in a row. Some shit that is completely above his head, way above it, and he just jumps in the target as if he is a target. You have to be some form of, like definitely a child, to not understand that what I was saying was not about him.”
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