Weekend Memes 41 Funniest New Memes On The Internet Today

Lisa Simpson saying Bone Thugs n Harmony First of the Month lyrics meme


Today we have a special collection of weekend memes for all of you who might’ve missed this week’s roundups of the funniest new memes. I know what you’re thinking ‘Cass, you only put out new editions of BroBible’s best memes Monday through Friday’ but the truth is I had a little extra time in my schedule and I thought I’d put together a special edition of weekend memes for all the diehard readers out there.

If you are an avid BroBible reader who checks in daily for my roundups of the Internet’s funniest memes, I can’t thank you enough. You help keep the lights on by sharing the memes far and wide! And for any readers who would ever have any memes you want to see featured in BroBible’s Memes Roundup, send me an email to [email protected].


Extremely relatable meme right here.

The 41 Funniest New Memes On The Internet This Weekend

That’s us alright.

They are pretty majestic, to be fair.

She cares.

Oh cool, a new AI feature, now tell me how I can immediately disable it.

Imagine getting that shredded without taking a billion selfies.

Sure is.

Couldn’t stop it, sorry.

Gym Memes Are The Best Memes

Some things I should work on.

I sure am.

Introverts be like:

12 originals. Wow. Could sell for a fortune on eBay.

Dress for the job you want in life.

Some memes never get old.


I could never live in Barcelona where they don’t even eat dinner until after I’m normally asleep.

Fact: Dogs Are Better Pets Than Cats

Correct me if I’m wrong but this week’s episode of Severance was the best yet.

Come to think of it I am pretty hungry right now.

Who let Canada have its own pepperoni?

It’s 3am and the fridge is ALWAYS calling my name.

Be careful out there.

Huge if true.

Why don’t we talk about this?

Very Important Meme

Honestly, there’s really no video game I’m good at these days.

How do we know it’s not just clogged full?

Quickest way to ruin a morning:

Ah yes, beans.

Those eyes are haunting.

It do be like that.

Any guesses?

The galaxy is on Orion’s belt.

7-8 hours of sleep? In this economy?!

This feels intentionally confusing.

When your cousins start spilling the tea it really is a special day.

Then some curls for good measure.

A lot more fun.

Let him go, dude’s keeping the rats away.

I hope you enjoyed the weekend memes, come back on Monday for more hilarious memes!

To everyone that made it this far and to all of you who come here every single day for memes, just as an FYI, if you ever want to see any specific memes, types of memes, or genre of memes featured here in the daily ‘Best Damn Photos on the Internet’ roundup, just let me know! I’m only ever an email away. You can find me at [email protected].

Content shared from brobible.com.

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