Zeliha – – Music News

Zeliha - - Music News

31 August 2023 (released)

31 August 2023

International pop singer Zeliha is the music industry’s hottest emerging artist. Her latest single ‘Like Me’ showcases her unique vibrant talent and voice. From participating in the prestigious Australian ‘Battle of the Bands Hard Rock Cafe’ International Competition to creating the track “Run Up The Game” and working alongside basketball legend Rock Middleton for the Harlem Globe Trotter Australian National Tour, Zeliha is just getting started.

Music-News got the inside scoop about her latest release and what’s coming up next.

We understand you spend much of your time in Sydney, Australia. Is that where you were born?
Most of my family is in Sydney, Australia, but I travel a lot! I’ve been to about 20 countries and so home is everywhere for me. I love working with everyone from all walks of life, and in my profession, I feel that’s so important.

How did you come up with your artist name Zeliha?
Over the course of my music career, I have gone through many name changes. Listening to other people’s opinions on what my name should be just confused me and didn’t feel authentic until I decided to change it back to my birth name ‘Zeliha’ which I only ever used to allow my father to call me when I was in trouble, so it felt quite liberating to break free from that self-limiting perspective and settle with my birth name. It feels good to finally love my name.

What got you into music and made you realize that it was your chosen path?
I just knew at the young age of 5 that it was meant for me, I can’t even explain how confident I was as a child. It started when I learnt I could record over my mum and dads’ favorite tapes, and I would pretend to be a radio host and introduce myself as a successful artist. And I’ve never given up on the thought, I tried but I failed because music is just in me it’s what keeps me alive and hopeful.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?
I’ve always had a knack for writing pop songs, I grew up in the 90’s and 00’s and that era of cheesy pop songs are a heavy influence for me. But I also listened to a lot of different styles and era’s especially old school Jazz and blues, R&B and Hip-hop so I just take influence from that. A little bit of this, a little bit of that but it definitely has to have the feel of a hit song.

Do you play any instruments? And why do you love it?
My instrument is my voice, I do a little bit of self-producing here and there, but my main forte is my voice and songwriting. I love connecting to different parts of my voice and pushing myself to discover more and more about myself and my emotions and how I can release it in a way that feels and sounds good.

Tell us about your new song ‘Like Me.’
My new single, ‘Like Me’ is about not being consumed by social media and all the unnecessary perfections it inhabits in us. The message of the song is clear: ‘I don’t need anyone to like me, I need to like me’ what truly matters is that I like myself and embrace my uniqueness. This sentiment resonates with many others who have also felt the pressures of social media and the unrealistic standards it perpetuates. Through the song, we aim to spread positivity, self-empowerment, and the understanding that true happiness comes from within, not from the validation of others.

Tell us about the songs process – beat first or lyrics?
The lyrics ‘I don’t need anyone to like me, I need to like me’ came to me at a moment of frustration… then I got into the studio and had so much fun making this song… it was truly liberating.

What are some of the instruments you chose within the beat?
There’s a lot of pop in this song, we were inspired by using phone sounds, notifications sound’s you hear when you’re on different Apps or typing etc.

What can fans expect from the music video?
We filmed in Sydney with lots of smiles, dancing, and lots of denim. I chose to visually display denim with styling because I believe denim is such a universal fabric most people wear from all different backgrounds. And I liked the idea of putting different color denims together to spread a message of togetherness.

What do you hope people will take away from the new song?
I hope that it connects with the listener regardless of your age, gender, background etc. we all live in this era of a digital world, and we can all be so consumed by it. I hope that it helps people to stop and put their phone down for a moment and acknowledge that you’re beautiful and life is beautiful and don’t need anything outside of yourself to validate that.

Aside from the new release, what is coming up next?
I am launching my music and releasing regularly including an EP, and 2024 touring and supporting a major artist is the goal.

What’s the best way to follow you online?
You can follow my journey on Instagram, Facebook , TikTok, YouTube, Spotify and more!

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