Watch Advanced Humanoid Robots Have Unsettling Conversation

humanoid robots conversation


As if it wasn’t creepy enough that someone created a humanoid robot named Ameca that has the ability to make a series of extremely human-like facial expressions, now Ameca is having conversations with other lifelike humanoid robots.

Ameca, created by U.K. design company Engineered Arts, is referred to by the company as the “world’s most advanced” humanoid robot. The company has also called Ameca “the perfect humanoid robot platform for human-robot interaction.”

Interacting with humans is one thing. Interacting with other human-like robots? That’s a whole other thing.

Using Chat-GPT, Ameca and another humanoid robot named Azi can carry on a conversation, complete with all of the appropriate facial expressions.

In the video of the robots’ conversation, Ameca gets “woken” up by Azi who tries to tell a joke.

When it falls flat, Ameca says “this is the worst joke I ever heard, she turns very nasty and threatens Azi to not wake her up again with dumb jokes like that.

Poor Azi looks very sad and the whole video does very little to reassure humans that, as Ameca once promised, “Robots will never take over the world. We’re here to help and serve humans, not replace them.”

If she gets that angry at another humanoid robot for waking her up for a bad joke, how pissed off is she going to be when humans act like the destructive idiots that they are? She obviously has very little patience for silliness.

For some small measure of reassurance, Engineered Arts says on its website, “Our robots are completely safe. They’re inherently compliant and gentle, so even if a robot was to move and accidentally hit you, it wouldn’t hurt.

“Our innovative robots are designed to be true to life, not to take life. They’re 100% innocent entertainment. We’d never work with the military, but we would happily make a replica terminator for an exhibition.”

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