Meet Barbara Moreland: Actress, model, and digital content creator

Barbara Moreland as Pamela Anderson in new Hulu docuseries 'After Baywatch'

Barbara Moreland. Photo Credit: Josh Ryan

Actress, model, and content creator Barbara Moreland chatted about her latest endeavors in the entertainment industry, and being a part of the digital age.

Margaret Mead once said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” This quote applies to Barbara Moreland.

What motivates you each day as an actress, model, and content creator?

I think getting to express myself through the vision of all the incredibly talented people I get to work with is highly motivating to me. Just getting the opportunity and being chosen to help bring their idea to life is motivation enough when being apart of any project.

The creative collaboration is so much fun for me and I’m so grateful to have a career that doesn’t feel like something I “have” to do, but something I “get” to do. 

What do your plans for the future include?

I’ve always believed that making plans for the future can be somewhat limiting to all of the new and unknown opportunities and magic life has to offer me down so many different paths as they unfold.

As cliche as it can sound, I just truly enjoy being fully present in each moment and looking back in astonishment like “wow that happened? Look how far I’ve come! Little me would be so stoked on future me!”

So, I can’t honestly tell you that I know what my future looks like but I know I’ll be having fun.

Were there any moments in your career that have helped define you?

Many ups and downs in my career have really helped define me and how I view myself when choosing to be the best version of me. I’ve learned so much and with every experience comes more fine tuning of self.

From horrible experiences on set to the most beautiful ones that feel so fulfilling and aligned with who I am, all come with a lesson even if it’s just defining how to honor myself more, or speak up for myself and learning how to say “no”.

As an “almost” retired people pleaser, saying no used to be terrifying to me even if it meant saying yes to something I without a doubt didn’t feel comfortable with, compromising myself.

It’s a work in progress, but I love the confidence I’ve gained with each individual experience both good and bad. 

How does it feel to be a part of the digital age? (Now with streaming, technology, and social media being so prevalent)

I wasn’t very present on social media or much of a fan of it when I began my career in modeling (11 years ago) and for years I just couldn’t find the desire to put energy into it.

I guess I’ve always just valued my privacy and didn’t honestly know what I was comfortable with putting out there in the world because it all felt like special intimate moments only meant for me or my family and friends, not to mention strangers on the Internet criticizing you up and down and pointing out any flaw they saw in you was jarring, to say the least.

Watching how having a presence on social media could allow you to book bigger jobs or gain more financial freedom or reach a bigger audience to inspire, certainly motivated me to get over my fear of being perceived.

Now, I’m so grateful I get to be apart of the social media age with all the opportunities it unlocks for me and it’s become another creative outlet for me.

As for streaming, I’m a homebody and being cozy at home with my dog, putting on a good show and having dinner on the couch is such a simple joy for me.

Technology these days overwhelms me if I’m being honest and having to rely on texts or phone calls to communicate or connect with people has me feeling overstimulated at times and needing to escape to the mountains or forest to recharge.

I hate to admit that I can be a rather “out of sight, out of mind” kind of person but I do appreciate the positive side of it where I get to stay in touch with family and friends across the world no matter where any of us are.

I have a big family and we’re all so close and don’t live in the same place so our never ending group chat is something I love so much. 

    How was your experience in the Hulu documentary series “After Baywatch: Moment in the Sun”?

    I had an absolute blast working with Matthew Felker and the team. Their execution of making an idea come to life and the way they tell a story was something just amazing getting to witness and be apart of.

    Every single crew member brought something different to the table and it all came together so beautifully.

    What was it like working with Matt and the team?

    I’m so grateful Matthew chose me to recreate the scenes of the iconic Pamela Anderson. I mean who wouldn’t be thrilled getting to put on what I think is the most famous bathing suit and frolic on the beach playing one of the most beautiful people of all time? Definitely a career highlight of mine. 

    Barbara Moreland as Pamela Anderson in new Hulu docuseries ‘After Baywatch.’ Photo Credit: Kari Koerper

    What is your advice for young and aspiring actors, models and content creators?

    I think learning how to be rooted in your authentic self is the first place to start. Know who you are. What you like. What you want. What your natural capabilities are and how you can improve. Be real. Get out of your own way.

    Be open to taking direction and criticism and don’t take it personal. Put yourself out there even if you think you look silly, just have fun and go do what inspires you and makes you feel alive and happy.

    Most importantly, be respectful and kind to others and… be on time (haha). I’ve always said “early is on time” and trust me, it goes a long way. 

      What does success mean to you?

      I love this question. I have been consistently redefining this as life goes on and for me, my idea of success is rooted in the beauty of my closest relationships. The people I love and the people who love me.

      I mean I got so lucky with just the most incredible people around me and I believe the relationships we have in our lives and those that we nurture and pour into really reflect who we are.

      I wouldn’t be me or where I am today without my closest family and friends being there next to me in this crazy journey we call life. The feeling and experience of unconditional love and support feels like the greatest success I can have. What is success if it isn’t shared?

        What would you like to say to your fans and supporters?

        It will always be funny to me to think that I’m someone who could have fans.. like me? You sure? Haha with that being said, there’s not one case of any person who celebrates and supports me that I could ever overlook and not greatly appreciate and be thankful for.

        Ever since I was a little girl I always just wanted to inspire people in any way that can take form. If it’s a conversation with a stranger that’s having a bad day and I can hold space for them and show them some love and light and remind them of the magic they are, who could ask for more.

        I just want to put good out in the world and being recognized on any scale of that feels like such a blessing. So a big thank you to each and every one of you and we got some exciting things coming! 

        To learn more about Barbara Moreland, follow her on Instagram.

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