Mindy Davey talks about opening for Nick Carter on his 2024 ‘Who I Am’ Tour

Nick Carter

Mindy Davey. Photo Credit: Israel Anthem

Singer-songwriter Mindy Davey chatted about opening for Nick Carter on his 2024 “Who I Am” Tour at this show in Rochester, New York.

“It feels absolutely amazing,” she exclaimed. “It is definitely a dream come true for me as an independent artist. I’m just so excited to rock the stage in Rochester, New York, and really showcase who I am as an artist.”

Davey on her music and songwriting inspirations

On her music and songwriting inspirations, she remarked, “I’ve been through a lot in my life. I battled addiction for years and I really thought I was destined for a grave or jail.”

“Destiny had a different plan for me,” she noted. “I prayed on my bathroom floor asking for help, to take me away from that dark place I was in.”

“Three weeks after that I was arrested for possession of pain pills and was placed in a 6 month treatment facility. I found out the first week in I was pregnant. I completed my 6 month treatment and had my daughter Arianna,” she said.

“Music became a part of my life from that point on. Not only did my daughter save my life but music did as well. I write songs about my life and the experiences I have along the way.” 

“I am 12 years sober, now,” she revealed. “Writing music about personal struggles and seeing the impact that the songs have on others first hand is what inspires me to keep making music.” 

Future plans

On her future plans, she shared, “I am currently working on an album, which I’m really excited for. I make my own demos at my home studio and pass them to a producer that I want to work with.”

“So I’m working on finding the best producers to help make this album come to life. With the album of course that means music videos. So I have lots of content coming soon,” she exclaimed. 

Biggest musical influences

Regarding her biggest musical influencers, she disclosed, “What’s crazy is when I was eight years old my first concert I ever went to was The Backstreet Boys concert at Key bank Center in Buffalo, New York.

“They really inspired me as a kid and into my musical journey as well. I would also definitely say Halsey is also one of my musical influences. I love her music and the creative art she uses in her music,” she said.

Davey on her career and life defining moments

“There are two that really stand out with me,” she admitted. “I had the opportunity to go to Capitol Records and record with Grammy-nominated producer Nathan Walters. We crowdfunded to raise the money for the project which we raised $23,456 (Crazy number) thanks to the fans.”

“The feelings I had when I was there was incredible. I was able to see so many amazing pictures, awards and plaques from musicians in the industry that inspire me so much,” she noted.

“After recording, the producer Nathan came up to me and handed me Frank Sinatra’s mic that he used when he recorded there,” she said. “It was a moment that really made me reflect on where I was in my past to where I am now, which was an emotional moment for me.”

Davey remarked, “We not only recorded the song but went to Nashville and did a music video with Grammy-nominated director Israel Anthem. The song is called ‘Drifting Away.’ A few years later I really wanted to take my voice to another level so I reached out to Mama Jan (Jan Smith), a vocal coach to many artists including Justin Bieber, The Band Perry, Usher and many more,” she said.

“Jan told me I have a unique voice and she wanted to work with me. So she became my vocal coach and one day while working with her I said I’d love to come to Atlanta and work with you on a song,” she added.

“Being an independent artist, I have to fund my own projects which is hard sometimes. So I made a Crowdfunder and once again thanks to you the fans we raised $20,740,” she said.

“We went to Atlanta, Georgia, and made my single ‘Destiny.’ These are two experiences of many that stick out because Nathan Walters and Mama Jan both helped me find my voice but helped me discover who I am as an artist,” she added.

Nick Carter. Photo Credit: Brian Doherty

Mindy Davey on Nick Carter

Davey is drawn to Nick Carter and the Backstreet Boys music for several reasons.

“I’ve always loved ‘Shape Of My Heart’ by the Backstreet Boys and Nick’s song ‘Hurts To Love You’,” she said.

“I feel he really opened up on ‘Hurts To Love You’ and that’s what music is. It’s healing, being vulnerable and showing the world who you really are. I thought it was an absolute beautiful song and project,” she explained.

Davey on success

Regarding her definition of success, Davey said, “Success means a few things to me. It’s being able to do what I love every day while supporting my family as well. Most importantly it’s the impact you make.”

“When you can open your phone and see messages like ‘Thank you for saving my life, you helped me in so many ways through my dark times’ or if you can walk around in public and meet the ones you’ve impacted….That to me is success,” she exclaimed.

“You’re saving lives and impacting them with your music and content. That’s what music is all about and what success means to me,” she acknowledged.

Davey on her fans and supporters

For her fans and supporters, Davey expressed, “Thank you. Thanks for supporting me on every opportunity and door that opens. I couldn’t do it without the support and love from all of you.”

“As an independent artist, it’s hard to make projects happen with no backing!! You guys have been my backing from Day 1. Where I go you all go with me on this journey. It’s only the beginning so buckle up. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us,” she concluded.

To learn more about Mindy Davey, follow her on Instagram.

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