“I Didn’t Want To Be…”

Amanda Seyfried almost starred in Guardians of the Galaxy

Amanda Seyfried almost starred in Guardians of the Galaxy
Amanda Seyfried almost starred in Guardians of the Galaxy ( Photo Credit – Instagram )

In a bold twist of fate, Seyfried turned Guardians of the Galaxy down, fearing it might be the first Marvel movie to tank. “I didn’t want to be part of the first Marvel bomb,” she shared on The Hollywood Reporter’s Awards Chatter podcast, adding some legit drama to her decision-making process.

Picture this: 2014, and the film’s premise incorporates a talking tree and a raccoon. Seyfried was skeptical. “Who wants to see a movie about a talking tree and a raccoon?” she mused. Well, the box office said “everybody.” The flick went on to rake in $772M worldwide (pretty bombastic!)

Despite the killer script, Seyfried was more worried about her career than cosmic adventures. “Because if you are the star of a giant movie like that, and it bombs, Hollywood does not forgive you,” she explained. It’s a classic Holly-horror story—one minute you’re riding high, the next, you’re on the “who’s that again?” list. And Seyfried had seen it happen, making her all the more cautious. “Is it worth it?” she wondered, and ultimately decided, nah.

Beyond the flop fear, the green makeup didn’t sound beautiful either. “I was just like, ‘Ah, I don’t wanna be green. It’s just so much work,’” she laughed. Can you blame her? She didn’t want to spend more time in a makeup chair than on set! Seyfried had heard the horror stories from fellow actresses, like Jennifer Lawrence’s marathon sessions to become Mystique. “That seems like hell on earth,” she quipped, painting a vivid picture of her reluctance.

In a cosmic twist of fate, the role went to Zoe Saldana, who took Gamora to infinity and beyond, starring in multiple Marvel blockbusters. Meanwhile, Seyfried continued to forge her own path, starring in Mamma Mia! and diving into more artistic roles like Mank, which is currently earning her some serious Oscar buzz. Talk about a savvy career move!

Seyfried often reflects on what could have been with Guardians. “I often think about how I passed on Guardians of the Galaxy,” she told ComicBook.com, but she seems unfazed. She’s traded the green skin for deeper, more character-driven narratives, proving she can rock both musicals and serious dramas.

While the MCU may have missed out on Seyfried, she’s busy crafting an impressive filmography. And let’s face it, who really wants to spend six months feeling like a green Muppet? Not this girl!

In the grand scheme of Hollywood’s “what-ifs,” Seyfried’s decision stands out. She chose authenticity over cosmic chaos, and it seems to be paying off. Sure, Guardians became a massive hit, but Seyfried is writing her own success story, free of face paint and full of fabulous roles. Who needs a raccoon when you’ve got a stellar career?

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