Fabian Arnold talks about starring in the film ‘Big Rage’

Fabian Arnold

Fabian Arnold. Photo Credit: Lalo Torres

Actor and model Fabian Arnold chatted about starring in the new film “Big Rage.” Waymon Boone directed it from a screenplay by David Millbern.

Byron Pulsifer once said: “Imagine, dream, and believe in yourself. With determination and belief, you will be surprised at what you accomplish.” This quote applies to Fabian Arnold.

Synopsis of ‘Big Rage’

The synopsis is: “Big Rage” is a noir action thriller that blends the gritty atmosphere of “Chinatown” with the tense intrigue of “The Big Sleep.”

It is set against the backdrop of the Salton Sea’s booming lithium gold rush, two former fighters, each haunted by their past, cross paths in a desperate bid to secure the nation’s future.

As they navigate the treacherous underworld of this ecological disaster zone, they must confront their demons and the corrupt forces that threaten to destroy everything they hold dear.

Arnold on playing the starring role

On starring in “Big Rage,” he said, “This was my first lead role in a feature, so that was very exciting. It was a great first step in terms of what you can ask for your first movie because it features me as the star of the movie.”

“It’s a beautiful storyline of this gay character, and he has this beautiful arc in finding home, and eventually, finding love in the same way he finds home,” Arnold explained.

Arnold on working with Meredith Thomas and the cast

Meredith Thomas did an amazing job,” he exclaimed. “Meredith has so much experience in the movie industry, and she is a queen. I feel like she enjoyed our movie. Meredith has also done a lot of Lifetime films.”

In fact, every actor in our movie did an awesome job, and brought so much life to each character because every character is different with its own spice to it. ‘Big Rage’ has such a diverse cast,” Arnold elaborated.

Fabian Arnold. Photo Credit: Esra Sam.

The digital age

On being a part of the digital age, Arnold said, “I was born in the ’90s, so I grew up without social media in my childhood, and I am proud of that. I couldn’t imagine my life growing up with a phone.”

“Without social media and technology, I would have never been here,” Arnold noted. “They gave me so many opportunities as a German actually traveling and getting scouted. I first started modeling when I was 18, and I got scouted by a modeling agency in Los Angeles.”

“Of course, the competition is higher so you need to stand out more than back in the days, but the opportunities are way higher because of that. The playing field is leveled and now it is time to stick out somehow,” he added.

Advice for young and aspiring actors

For young and emerging actors, he said, “Be smart and try to be unique without trying to be unique. Let other people not see that you are trying to be unique, by being unique.”

“Work hard and believe in your goals. Don’t give up because it will take a while until something happens,” he added.

Stage of his life

On the title of the current chapter of his life, Arnold revealed, “Enjoying the progress and process of being an actor in Los Angeles.”

“I am comfortable in my own skin, I am comfortable where I am, and I am comfortable in what I am doing,” he explained.

Fabian Arnold
Fabian Arnold. Photo Credit: Felix Arnold.

Superpower of choice

If he were to have any superpower, he would be the “Son of Poseidon.” “I would love to breathe underwater,” he admitted.


Regarding his definition of success, Arnold remarked, “Being happy with what you are doing in life, and making enough money to be free and do whatever you want in any given time, and then to have a family.”

Message for his fans and supporters

For his fans and supporters, Arnold expressed, “Thank you for supporting me for such a long time, and for spreading love. I hope to give back at some point in my life, and meet them all, and just inspire each other because I get inspired by my fans.”

Fabian Arnold
Fabian Arnold. Photo Credit: Ron Flieger.

Closing thoughts on ‘Big Rage’

For fans and viewers, he remarked about the film, “The biggest message out of this movie is to support every sexuality out there, and promote inclusivity. It’s a very grounded action movie with a gay love story.”

“It is very rare to find movies that are grounded in terms of where being gay is just the B-story, and the A-story is the actual movie,” he noted.

“‘Big Rage’ is one of the only movies out there where it is more about the story and the action, where the main character just happens to be gay,” he concluded.

To learn more about Fabian Arnold, check out his official homepage, and follow him on Instagram.

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