Experts Claim Roswell Metal Fragment Yielded Proof UFO Crash

pure aluminum

iStockphoto / RHJ

I’m typically an extreme skeptic when it comes to evidence of extra terrestrial life on earth. But evidence from a new Discovery channel show has at least piqued my curiosity and bolsters the theory that a UFO crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico back in 1947.

In a short clip released from the show (video below), they reveal that they tested the metal allegedly found at the crash in Roswell in 1947 which people have for generations claimed to be a UFO. The man on camera claims the test results came back as 100% aluminum.

Why is this important? Because no matter how hard we’ve tried, humans have simply been unable to make 100% pure aluminum. We consider ‘pure aluminum’ to be 99% aluminum and our highest possible purity is 99.9999% but for aluminum to be 100% suggests it came from a UFO at Roswell.

Skeptic as I am, I’m inclined to think that whatever test was used to evaluate this aluminum was highly accurate but probably not accurate enough to test out to the .0001%.

Is it possible this is actually 100% aluminum? Sure. Is it more likely that the test simply wasn’t precise enough to detect that it was 99.9999% aluminum and not 100%? That seems more likely than it being a UFO.

Furthermore, given that the Roswell UFO crash was all the way back in 1947, I’m inclined to think that (1) it’s highly unlikely those crash fragments still exist and (2) corrosion might be playing a role here but that’s just me throwing darts at the wall to see what sticks.

There is an interesting Reddit thread where people posit other theories. The top comment also points out that it’s been 80 years and quite possible the military “pulled a switcheroo” between then and now. But there is also the option that is truly 100% aluminum and it came from a UFO. What do you all think? I’m inclined to think it’s 99.999% aluminum and the test was wonky.

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