Bubbles Paraiso finds talking to friends, trust helpful in mental health issues

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Triathlete and actress Bubbles Paraiso spoke up about her recent journey to mental health and how she was able to overcome mental health issues.

Paraiso admitted that she went through a rough patch recently as can be seen in her Instagram page yesterday, May 11, where she shared a short video of herself.

“I had not been myself a couple of weeks back due to some triggers that affected my mental health. It was when I was reminded of my strength that I began to choose to take myself out of the dark place I was in mentally,” she admitted.

Some close friends were able to sense that something is not going right in her and they came to her rescue.

“I was keeping it to myself and when the people close to me sensed that something was amiss, they reached out. And boy, am I glad they did. Talking about it to people you can trust helps tons,” she said.

Image: Instagram/@bubblesparaiso

Paraiso thinks it is best to tell someone about your predicament because it eases the pain one is feeling.

“If you’re struggling, make sure to talk to your loved ones about it. I realized the importance of saying your issues out loud and talking about it to be healing and freeing,” she explained.

Paraiso is more than glad to hear a close friend tell her that she is the “strongest person he knows” and that she has “always been a fighter.” She added, “I’m glad I proved him right.” JB


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